
Multi level submenu navigation help

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello, I have implemented in your code enabling multi level submenu.

Below is the copy of the code:

IN public function htmlify(

if ($page->hasChildren() and !$submenu) {
$html .= ' ';

IN protected function renderNormalMenu

        if($depth > 0 and $page->hasChildren()){
            $submenu = true;
        } else {
            $submenu = false;

        // make sure indentation is correct
        $depth -= $minDepth;
        $myIndent = $indent . str_repeat('        ', $depth);

        // render li tag and page
        $liClass = $page->hasChildren() ? $submenu ? ' dropdown-submenu' :' dropdown'  : '';

        $html .= $myIndent . '    <li' . $liClass . '>' . self::EOL
                . $myIndent . '        ' . $this->htmlify($page, $escapeLabels, $submenu) . self::EOL;