
Desktop Notifications are not working anymore

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Zulip desktop version: 5.10.0

Suddenly my desktop notifications stopped working. Pressing the Test desktop notification and Play button does nothing

Weirdly enough, it still works from the browser. I'm not sure how I can give you more information, are there any logs I can send to you? Thanks for the guidance

This should be useful to you:


I have the same issue on Linux with the desktop app. We are using Zulip Cloud.

@tonynajjar Did you learn anything new since creating this issue? Have you tried downgrading?

I've tried reinstalling 5.10 without any change 🐼

Sadly not, still the same. Weirdly enough no one else in my company seems to be having the issue. My ugly workaround is to have the web version always open in parallel to get the notifications 🙃

Yeah, whatever works, right? :)

Did you by any chance upgrade to Ubuntu 23.04 recently? That's the only thing I can think of - I think this issue started more or less around that time for me.

Nope, still on Ubuntu 22.04.3

Have you accidentally enabled the Do Not Disturb feature of the desktop app? If you want notifications, make sure you’ve turned that off.

Have you accidentally enabled the Do Not Disturb feature of the desktop app? If you want notifications, make sure you’ve turned that off.

Well, that's officially the stupidest I felt in 2023. That was the issue indeed, thanks a lot for your comment.

On the other hand, it would be great if it would be clearer to the user that Do Not Disturb is on when testing desktop notification with the button in Settings > Notifications:


I'll be happy to open another feature request if you agree with the idea