
Issue List - First Impressions

Epitaxis opened this issue · 10 comments

I apologize for the list, this is what I all gathered from an hour and a half of running around the server. I thought this would be better than a separate issue post for EACH one. I know some of these have been visited and possibly being worked on now (Like Hunger Tweaks). Some of these are more suggestions than issues, and most of these are very non-alpha projects.

  • - All the caves are too darn bright! (Except Mauwi Wetlands - Cave) as well as Fordania Forest - West Hunter's Cabin is also too bright

  • - Night is too dark in general. I play in a well lit area and it's hard to see my screen on full screen brightness with how dark the nights are.

  • - Badgers should be tweaked. They aren't pack animals, and thus shouldn't spawn in packs. They also hit like rats and take as much damage as wolves. Realistically, Badgers should be avoided as they're often more trouble than they are worth. This module is not the case.

  • - Plains Vipers are adorable. Though I think they would be better suited as a single creature spawn with a 100% chance to cause a save vs poison on bite.

  • - Birds should honestly fly away (Despawn) after one round of combat. So if you don't get them quick you lose them. Maybe they can drop a feather on flying away?

  • - Alteration Magic should give some amount of Alteration XP for healing / curing yourself or others out of combat.

  • - Food needs to be more filling. I understand making cooking viable is important but a single wanderer shouldn't need to cause blueberries to go extinct on the server just to only keep up with their hunger meter. To have a hunger system this harsh would be an anti-thesis to the true meaning of the server, a roleplaying server, as it would take up a lot of time or meta-organization to keep players hunger in check. Thus, punishing standing around and RPing naturally.

  • - There are trashcans in the quarry. This bothers me, it's a personal issue ok?

  • - Small size catagory spiders hit way too hard compared to a lot of things you fight, and they're REALLY hard to hit. This is probably because they're the stock small spiders. They should be tweaked to do almost no damage but cause poison in my opinion.

  • - The marshes have Stink Beetles used in the spawning system. These buggers have close to 20 AC, do around average 4 damage a hit, and their stink cloud ability is 11 dc fort vs poison, fail means dazed for a handful of rounds. They spawn in groups so fishing for low rolls is easy. These guys should be tweaked or replaced.

  • - I ran from them all the way through Mauwi Beach into the Mauwi Wetlands to find the transition back to the beach to be non-existent.

  • - Nothing drops meat, hide, or chitin (Not surprised, not all resources implemented yet.)

I dont feel the spiders hitting that hard? Where did you encounter them?

Can't do anything about the plains viper poison (dunno how) but changed the encounter to only contain one. Fits well with the area being next to a starter zone.

Nerfed the stink beetles. Should be more manegable now.

Note to self: Spiders are in the fordania woods area. Need to look into those!

I've removed the trash cans from the quarry.

Regarding alteration XP:

This has come up several times now with different people. I recognize it's an issue but one of my goals is to prevent players from "skill spamming" to level up their skills. If you introduce XP gains outside of combat people can spam heals until they've maxed out their Alteration. A proposed solution is to only grant XP if the target healed actually recovers HP. I like this - but it doesn't address the issue of skill spamming. Players can simply damage themselves and then heal themselves repeatedly.

Until we've got a proper solution to the problem I'm holding off on introducing XP gains for the skill outside of combat. This topic in particular might be worthy of its own GitHub ticket too, for the record.

Regarding "food needs to be more filling": This is being tracked in #66 I've marked it off of the list on this item so we can track it there.

Tracking the bird suggestion in #136

I've reviewed the badgers and decided i like them the way they are for now. Realistic or not. It's a magical world. Wolfs are dangerous. They are not in real life.

Spiders may or may not be fixed. I'm shelving them for now.

Closing this ticket since everything's checked off. If there's anything on here that doesn't have its own ticket or hasn't been resolved, open one up!