
A testing using springcloud without Netflix's plugin

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Spring Cloud Gateway

Testing spring cloud with integration of, without Netflix dependencies

  • Spring Gateway
  • Spring Load-balancer
  • Spring Webflux (client)

Gateway configuration

Gateway configuration takes these:

API Url Method Description Goal
/api/v1/{lang} GET Greetings response To test gateway load-balancing and data failure. Include chain filters.
/api/v1/{lang} POST Greetings response, pass parameter "name" To test gateway load-balancing and data failure. Include chain filters.
/api/v2/{lang} GET Greetings response Enabling routing via codes.
/upload POST File uploading File limitation control
/socket-io/event-emitter Websocket Test websocket Test websocket, use this site "https://www.websocket.org/echo.html" and enter ws://{hostname}:{port}
/images/* GET Routing images to another location Routing image, redirect
/static/report/sample.txt or /static/images/pictoral.jpg GET Static file access, Add header "Token" = "abc123" to request

NOTES: Filter enables for ip address

NOTES: Load balancing is using health-check configuration and it's checked every 5seconds. Cached need to be disabled to allow Load balancing.

NOTES: To change path for health-check modify spring.cloud.loadbalancer.health-check.path.default (or remove it)

Test proved

  1. Load-balancing via health-check, if "spring.cloud.loadbalancer.configurations: health-check" and are based on 5 seconds interval with program path /status as check. If reverting to round-robing, remove "spring.cloud.loadbalancer.configurations" and "spring.cloud.loadbalancer.cache" in application.yml. No Zuul or Ribbon is used in this setting.
  2. Simple Cloud Discovery instead of using Eureka.
  3. Web Filtering and ordering in Gateway.
  4. Traffic-control based on IP headers to deny access.
  5. Websocket and load-balancing on websocket.
  6. Resource routing.
  7. File upload and controlling file limitation access.
  8. Enabling CORS.
  9. Disable Dynamic resource control by adding spring.cloud.config.enabled = false in bootstrap.yml
  10. Serving of static files. (Does not address caching resources, would think running another microservice is better.)


Web client is using Webflux and are Docker Compose enabled.

  1. To run manually, do ./gradlew bootRun
  2. To run via docker do
docker run -p 8081:8080 demo-gw-web:1.0
docker ps
  1. If to run via docker -compose, do
#docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
#docker-compose down

NOTES: Used actuator, where the url http://{hostname}:{port}/actuator/health returns the server status for gateway health check.. There is also http://{hostname}:{port}/status to reply for gateway health check. Remove "path.default" from spring.cloud.loadbalancer.health-check and it will point to /actuator/health.

Load Test and Test Suite

  1. Download SOAP UI.
  2. Import project from gw-demo\soapui-test\SOAPProject.xml
  3. Or use apache load test (without an idea if there are errors)
ab -n 100 -c 10

Getting Started or Running Program

  1. Change directory to /gw-demo/src/main/resources and open application.yml, modify 'spring.cloud.discovery.client.simple.instance.greeting-service(s).uri', and change "raspberrypi" to "localhost" or "".

  2. Start gateway by executing:

cd gw-demo
./gradlew bootRun
  1. Try and do a curl GET on http://localhost:9000/api/v1/greetings/pt. It should FAIL

  2. Start webservices by either

## Method 1
cd web-demo
./gradlew bootRun
#change web-demo/src/main/resources/application.yml, and change PORT to 8081.
./gradlew bootRun

## Method 2
Run docker, see method above.

## Method 3
Run docker-compose