
Yeti Launch no compiling after changes

Closed this issue · 8 comments

You guys at Zurb keeps creating great stuff! :D

Foundation 6 is working great, faster build, creating and compiling. 👯
Even the app Yeti Launch is a great product, working out of the box in ease.

However somehow the app isn't compiling the scss after changes anymore :/
Sees there were changes, but won't make a new css file of it

Which project template are you using, Basic or ZURB? And what's the path of the file you're saving changes to?

Hey Gakimball,
I'm using the Basic.
It's saved in a map on my desktop
Default savings, haven't changed a thing.

Forgot to tell, that it worked at start. But after a couple of hours no file update.
Log tells this after every change:
$ [09:43:37] Starting 'sass'...
$ [09:43:37] Finished 'sass' after 32 ms
But no changes in the .css are made

Ok I found what the problem is.
I changed some things in _settings.scss, that made an error in the process.

If an error is made in the scss code, the app does update but won't compile it to .css
So it gives that there is an update, but after that, the .css won't be updated/created.

The problem occurred when I was editing some of the Forms $
The Global color setting is underneath it,
The form uses some of the global colors, but can't read the global color setting if uncommented.
This results normally in an error in the .css, but in the process that error won't report.

This is the old file, by using it like this, it won't compile/create the .css file
When all form items are // , it works like a charm

//  Foundation for Sites Settings
//  -----------------------------
//  Table of Contents:
//   1. Abide
//   2. Accordion
//   3. Badge
//   4. Breadcrumbs
//   5. Breakpoints
//   6. Button
//   7. Button Group
//   8. Callout
//   9. Close Button
//  10. Dropdown
//  11. Flex Video
//  12. Forms
//  13. Global
//  14. The Grid
//  15. Label
//  16. Media Object
//  17. Menu
//  18. Off-canvas
//  19. Orbit
//  20. Pagination
//  21. Progress Bar
//  22. Reveal
//  23. Slider
//  24. Switch
//  25. Table
//  26. Tabs
//  27. Thumbnail
//  28. Tooltip
//  29. Top Bar
//  30. Base Typography
//  31. Typography Helpers

// Abide
// -----

// $abide-inputs: true;
// $abide-labels: true;
// $input-background-invalid: $alert-color;
// $form-label-color-invalid: $alert-color;
// $input-error-color: $alert-color;
// $input-error-font-size: rem-calc(12);
// $input-error-font-weight: $global-weight-bold;

// Accordion
// ---------

// $accordion-background: $white;
// $accordion-plusminus: true;
// $accordion-item-color: foreground($accordion-background, $primary-color);
// $accordion-item-background-hover: $light-gray;
// $accordion-item-padding: 1.25rem 1rem;
// $accordion-content-background: $white;
// $accordion-content-border: 1px solid $light-gray;
// $accordion-content-color: foreground($accordion-background, $primary-color);
// $accordion-content-padding: 1rem;

// Badge
// -----

// $badge-background: $primary-color;
// $badge-color: foreground($badge-background);
// $badge-padding: 0.3em;
// $badge-minwidth: 2.1em;
// $badge-font-size: 0.6rem;

// Breadcrumbs
// -----------

// $breadcrumbs-margin: 0 0 $global-margin 0;
// $breadcrumbs-item-font-size: rem-calc(11);
// $breadcrumbs-item-color: $primary-color;
// $breadcrumbs-item-color-current: $black;
// $breadcrumbs-item-color-disabled: $medium-gray;
// $breadcrumbs-item-margin: 0.75rem;
// $breadcrumbs-item-uppercase: true;
// $breadcrumbs-item-slash: true;

// Breakpoints
// -----------

// $breakpoints: (
//   small: 0,
//   medium: 512px,
//   large: 1024px,
//   xlarge: 1200px,
//   xxlarge: 1440px,
// );
// $breakpoint-classes: (small medium large);

// Button
// ------

// $button-padding: 0.85em 1em;
// $button-margin: 0 $global-margin $global-margin 0;
// $button-fill: solid;
// $button-background: $primary-color;
// $button-background-hover: scale-color($button-background, $lightness: -15%);
// $button-font-color: #fff;
// $button-font-color-alt: #000;
// $button-sizes: (
//   tiny: 0.6rem,
//   small: 0.75rem,
//   default: 0.9rem,
//   large: 1.25rem,
// );
// $button-opacity-disabled: 0.25;

// Button Group
// ------------

// $buttongroup-margin: 1rem;
// $buttongroup-spacing: 1px;
// $buttongroup-child-selector: '.button';
// $buttongroup-expand-max: 6;

// Callout
// -------

// $callout-background: $white;
// $callout-background-fade: 85%;
// $callout-border: 1px solid rgba($black, 0.25);
// $callout-margin: 0 0 1rem 0;
// $callout-padding: 1rem;
// $callout-font-color: $body-font-color;
// $callout-font-color-alt: $body-background;
// $callout-link-tint: 30%;

// Close Button
// ------------

// $closebutton-position: $global-right top;
// $closebutton-offset-horizontal: 1rem;
// $closebutton-offset-vertical: 0.5rem;
// $closebutton-size: 2em;
// $closebutton-lineheight: 1;
// $closebutton-color: $dark-gray;
// $closebutton-color-hover: $black;

// Dropdown
// --------

// $dropdown-padding: 1rem;
// $dropdown-border: 1px solid $medium-gray;
// $dropdown-font-size: 16rem;
// $dropdown-width: 300px;
// $dropdown-sizes: (
//   tiny: 100px,
//   small: 200px,
//   large: 400px,
// );

// Flex Video
// ----------

// $flexvideo-padding-top: rem-calc(25);
// $flexvideo-margin-bottom: rem-calc(16);
// $flexvideo-ratio: 4 by 3;
// $flexvideo-ratio-widescreen: 16 by 9;

// Forms
// -----

$fieldset-border: 0px solid $medium-gray;
// $fieldset-padding: rem-calc(20);
// $fieldset-margin: rem-calc(18 0);
// $legend-padding: rem-calc(0 3);
// $form-spacing: rem-calc(16);
// $helptext-color: #333;
// $helptext-font-size: rem-calc(13);
// $helptext-font-style: italic;
$input-prefix-color: #262626;
$input-prefix-background: #ededed;
$input-prefix-border: 0px solid $medium-gray;
// $input-prefix-padding: 1rem;
$form-label-color: #262626;
// $form-label-font-size: rem-calc(14);
// $form-label-font-weight: $global-weight-normal;
// $form-label-line-height: 1.8;
$select-background: #ededed;
$select-triangle-color: #262626;
$input-color: #262626;
// $input-font-family: inherit;
// $input-font-size: rem-calc(16);
$input-background: #ededed;
$input-background-focus: #ededed;
// $input-background-disabled: $light-gray;
$input-border: 0px solid $medium-gray;
// $input-border-focus: 1px solid $dark-gray;
$input-shadow: inset 0 0px 0px rgba($black, 0.1);
$input-shadow-focus: 0 0 0px $medium-gray;
// $input-cursor-disabled: default;
// $input-transition: box-shadow 0.5s, border-color 0.25s ease-in-out;
// $input-number-spinners: true;

// Global
// ------

// $global-width: rem-calc(1200);
// $global-font-size: 100%;
// $global-lineheight: 1.5;
$primary-color: #008CBA;
$secondary-color: #e7e7e7;
// $success-color: #3adb76;
// $warning-color: #ffae00;
// $alert-color: #ec5840;
$light-gray: #f3f3f3;
$medium-gray: #cacaca;
$dark-gray: #8a8a8a;
$black: #0a0a0a;
$white: #fefefe;
// $body-background: $white;
// $body-font-color: $black;
$body-font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
// $body-antialiased: true;
// $text-direction: ltr;
// $global-margin: 1rem;
// $global-padding: 1rem;
// $global-margin: 1rem;
$global-weight-normal: 400;
$global-weight-bold: 600;
// $global-radius: 3px;
// $global-namespace: false;
// $global-text-direction: ltr;
// $rem-base: 16px;

// The Grid
// --------

// $grid-row-width: $global-width;
// $grid-column-count: 12;
// $grid-column-gutter: 1.875rem / 2;

// Label
// -----

// $label-background: $primary-color;
// $label-color: foreground($label-background);
// $label-font-size: 0.8rem;
// $label-padding: 0.33333rem 0.5rem;

// Media Object
// ------------

// $mediaobject-margin-bottom: $global-margin;
// $mediaobject-section-padding: $global-padding;
// $mediaobject-image-width-stacked: 100%;

// Menu
// ----

// $menu-margin: 0;
// $menu-margin-nested: 1rem;
// $menu-item-padding: 0.7rem 1rem;
// $menu-icon-spacing: 0.25rem;
// $menu-expand-max: 6;

// Off-canvas
// ----------

// $offcanvas-size: 250px;
// $offcanvas-background: $white;
// $offcanvas-zindex: -1;
// $offcanvas-transition-length: 0.5s;
// $offcanvas-transition-timing: ease;
// $offcanvas-exit-background: rgba($white, 0.25);
// $maincontent-class: 'main-content';
// $maincontent-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba($black, 0.5);

// Orbit
// -----

// $orbit-bullet-background: $medium-gray;
// $orbit-bullet-background-active: $dark-gray;
// $orbit-bullet-diameter: 1.2rem;
// $orbit-bullet-margin: 0.1rem;
// $orbit-bullet-margin-top: 0.8rem;
// $orbit-bullet-margin-bottom: 0.8rem;
// $orbit-caption-background: rgba($black, 0.5);
// $orbit-caption-padding: 1rem;
// $orbit-control-background-hover: rgba($black, 0.5);
// $orbit-control-padding: 1rem;
// $orbit-control-zindex: 10;

// Pagination
// ----------

// $pagination-font-size: rem-calc(14);
// $pagination-margin-bottom: $global-margin;
// $pagination-item-color: $black;
// $pagination-item-padding: rem-calc(3 10);
// $pagination-item-spacing: rem-calc(1);
// $pagination-item-background-hover: $light-gray;
// $pagination-item-background-current: $primary-color;
// $pagination-item-color-current: foreground($pagination-item-background-current);
// $pagination-item-color-disabled: $medium-gray;
// $pagination-ellipsis-color: $black;
// $pagination-mobile-items: false;
// $pagination-arrows: true;

// Progress Bar
// ------------

// $progress-height: 1rem;
// $progress-background: $medium-gray;
// $progress-margin-bottom: $global-margin;
// $progress-meter-background: $primary-color;

// Reveal
// ------

// $reveal-background: $white;
// $reveal-width: 600px;
// $reveal-max-width: $global-width;
// $reveal-offset: rem-calc(100);
// $reveal-padding: $global-padding;
// $reveal-border: 1px solid $medium-gray;
// $reveal-zindex: 1005;
// $reveal-overlay-background: rgba($black, 0.45);

// Slider
// ------

// $slider-height: 0.5rem;
// $slider-width-vertical: $slider-height;
// $slider-background: $light-gray;
// $slider-fill-background: $medium-gray;
// $slider-handle-height: 1.4rem;
// $slider-handle-width: 1.4rem;
// $slider-handle-background: $primary-color;
// $slider-opacity-disabled: 0.25;
// $slider-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;

// Switch
// ------

// $switch-background: $medium-gray;
// $switch-background-active: $primary-color;
// $switch-height: 2rem;
// $switch-height-tiny: 1.5rem;
// $switch-height-small: 1.75rem;
// $switch-height-large: 2.5rem;
// $switch-radius: 0;
// $switch-margin: $global-margin;
// $switch-paddle-background: $white;
// $switch-paddle-offset: 0.25rem;
// $switch-paddle-radius: 0;
// $switch-paddle-transition: all 0.25s ease-out;

// Table
// -----

// $table-background: $white;
// $table-color-scale: 5%;
// $table-border: 1px solid smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale);
// $table-padding: rem-calc(8 10 10);
// $table-hover-scale: 2%;
// $table-row-hover: darken($table-background, $table-hover-scale);
// $table-row-stripe-hover: darken($table-background, $table-color-scale + $table-hover-scale);
// $table-striped-background: smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale);
// $table-stripe: even;
// $table-head-background: smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale / 2);
// $table-foot-background: smart-scale($table-background, $table-color-scale);
// $table-head-font-color: $body-font-color;
// $show-header-for-stacked: false;

// Tabs
// ----

// $tab-margin: 0;
// $tab-background: $white;
// $tab-background-active: $light-gray;
// $tab-border: $light-gray;
// $tab-item-color: foreground($tab-background, $primary-color);
// $tab-item-background-hover: $white;
// $tab-item-padding: 1.25rem 1.5rem;
// $tab-expand-max: 6;
// $tab-content-background: $white;
// $tab-content-border: $light-gray;
// $tab-content-color: foreground($tab-background, $primary-color);
// $tab-content-padding: 1rem;

// Thumbnail
// ---------

// $thumbnail-border: solid 4px $white;
// $thumbnail-margin-bottom: $global-margin;
// $thumbnail-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba($black, 0.2);
// $thumbnail-shadow-hover: 0 0 6px 1px rgba($primary-color, 0.5);
// $thumbnail-transition: box-shadow 200ms ease-out;

// Tooltip
// -------

// $tooltip-background-color: $black;
// $tooltip-padding: 0.75rem;
// $tooltip-font-size: $small-font-size;
// $tooltip-pip-width: 0.75rem;
// $tooltip-pip-height: $tooltip-pip-width * 0.866;
// $tooltip-pip-offset: 1.25rem;

// Top Bar
// -------

// $topbar-padding: 0.5rem;
// $topbar-background: #eee;
// $topbar-link-color: #fff;
// $topbar-input-width: 200px;

// Base Typography
// ---------------

// $header-font-family: $body-font-family;
// $header-font-weight: $global-weight-normal;
// $header-font-style: normal;
// $font-family-monospace: Consolas, "Liberation Mono", Courier, monospace;
// $header-sizes: (
//   small: (
//     'h1': 24,
//     'h2': 20,
//     'h3': 19,
//     'h4': 18,
//     'h5': 17,
//     'h6': 16,
//   ),
//   medium: (
//     'h1': 48,
//     'h2': 40,
//     'h3': 31,
//     'h4': 25,
//     'h5': 20,
//     'h6': 16,
//   ),
// );
// $header-color: inherit;
// $header-lineheight: 1.4;
// $header-margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
// $header-text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
// $small-font-size: 80%;
// $header-small-font-color: $medium-gray;
// $paragraph-lineheight: 1.6;
// $paragraph-margin-bottom: 1rem;
// $paragraph-text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
// $code-color: $black;
// $code-font-family: $font-family-monospace;
// $code-font-weight: $global-weight-normal;
// $code-background: $light-gray;
// $code-border: 1px solid $medium-gray;
// $code-padding: rem-calc(2 5 1);
// $anchor-color: $primary-color;
// $anchor-color-hover: scale-color($anchor-color, $lightness: -14%);
// $anchor-text-decoration: none;
// $anchor-text-decoration-hover: none;
// $hr-width: $global-width;
// $hr-border: 1px solid $medium-gray;
// $hr-margin: rem-calc(20) 0;
// $list-lineheight: $paragraph-lineheight;
// $list-margin-bottom: $paragraph-margin-bottom;
// $list-style-type: disc;
// $list-style-position: outside;
// $list-side-margin: 1.25rem;
// $list-nested-side-margin: 1.25rem;
// $defnlist-margin-bottom: 1rem;
// $defnlist-term-weight: $global-weight-bold;
// $defnlist-term-margin-bottom: 0.3rem;
// $blockquote-color: $dark-gray;
// $blockquote-padding: rem-calc(9 20 0 19);
// $blockquote-border: 1px solid $medium-gray;
// $cite-font-size: rem-calc(13);
// $cite-color: $dark-gray;
// $keystroke-font: $font-family-monospace;
// $keystroke-color: $black;
// $keystroke-background: $light-gray;
// $keystroke-padding: rem-calc(2 4 0);
// $keystroke-radius: $global-radius;
// $abbr-underline: 1px dotted $black;

// Typography Helpers
// ------------------

// $lead-font-size: $global-font-size * 1.25;
// $lead-lineheight: 1.6;
// $subheader-lineheight: 1.4;
// $subheader-color: $dark-gray;
// $subheader-font-weight: $global-weight-normal;
// $subheader-margin-top: 0.2rem;
// $subheader-margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
// $stat-font-size: 2.5rem;

@d3s1gnw Thank you for letting us know. We just heard about this on the forums as well. A patch is being made to include error output in Yeti Launch's console. Great work isolating the cause, I'll make sure to post a link to the download once it is ready.

@erikmellum No problem ;), looking forward to the patch :)


The patch been released! You can download it at http://foundation.zurb.com/develop/yeti-launch.html.

The patch addresses:

  • Javascript error on startup
  • Scss error reporting
  • Glitch for users with a space in their path trying to open an editor

Big enhancement:

  • Hosted code integration

A few other minor enhancements:

  • Allow underscores in project names
  • Change editor button in settings sidebar

Thanks @d3s1gnw for your patience,

@erikmellum Thanks for the Update Eric!

Did a quick test and works great!
Gonna play some more when I'm back at the project running with Yeti.