
Possibly a feature request?

Rlcolli4 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello! Your modal has been very helpful as we've been building our application, I did have a question about the draggable set up of these modals. I've searched the documentation and haven't seen any set up to allow these to be moved around the screen, is this something these modals were designed to do? Do you have any recommendations on how to make these draggable in an application?

I should note we have been attempting to use ngDraggable (which works in some of our other components and divs) but I can't seem to find a good hook based on our set up to get that to work with these modals.

Never had my hands on angular2-draggable before, is this what you are referring to? ngDraggable seems to be an AngularJS library.

I can try at some point this week. I'm not sure whether it's feasible yet, but I'd like to know what you'd be looking forward to having in Angular Custom Modal to make it work with it.

Sorry I'm just getting back to this (I know it is closed) but I did some work trying to get it in with the angular2-draggable (this is what I meant). Unfortunately it does not work because there is not a solid div to place the handle on for dragging. The module freaks out on trying to add the classes needed to make things draggable.