
Return to my tweets list (X button) not working

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Good Twitter worked perfectly until late last night.

I do my twitter sessions from a private twitter list. In old-twitter and (until last night with Good Twittter), after opening a thread the X button at the upper-right of the screen would take me back to the that tweet in my list. In other words, I wouldn't lose my place in the listing.

Now the X button is taking me to the profile page of the person who posted the tweet. At if instead I use the browser's Back feature, my list is reloaded and I lose my place.

I have new-Twitter running in another browser. I that one, the is a "<- Tweet" button at the top of a thread, and that does take me back to my place in my list. So Twitter hasn't lost this functionality; it's just that for some reason Good Twitter isn't accessing that function.

I hope this can be fixed! I had really been enjoying Good Twitter.

Sign out of Twitter (Good Twitter) - then sign back in. Worked for me. Don't know how long it will last. But for now, it's great.

This userscript fixed this for me without the need for a relogin: https://twitter.com/byuu_san/status/1156467463900413952

Perhaps the fix can be integrated into this extension?