
DMs don't display

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Ones that you've just received might show up, but it seems most do not.

I was just about to post this thread. This was a persistent issue on my end for awhile in the lead-up to Twitter making the new layout universal. It didn't occur on GoodTwitter until I logged out to fix the issue of Tweets not showing up as a pop-up when you left click (something that I had tried a few times previously but just put up with until it finally worked today.)

With this issue, if you click "Messages", it'll often be where it's either the most recent DM chats that show up or nothing at all. Much of the time to even get the most recent ones I'll have to go to the page of someone I've messaged, click "Message" then back on the DM window and I'll see the handful of chats (and that's not always a guarantee.)

I also just had all of the DM's show up but that was after them not showing up at all, going to someone's profile, clicking message, clicking back, clicking on DM's with another user and it taking me to their profile instead, and then clicking message again. Not sure if I encountered this before.