
Loading profile pages instead of opening tweets over the notification page.

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Instead of tweets from notifications opening as an overlay over the current page, they instead load from the user's profile page. Same thing for "bubbled" tweets (likes, retweets, etc.). This is inconvenient, because I don't want to have to wait for the page to load, and then hit the back button every time I check a notification.
Sorry for potato quality.

I have the same issue.

This just started with me as well

And now it's back to normal! \o/

Not here, it's still doing it. Should I uninstall and reinstall again?

I've been setting up my new computer so I'm not sure if I did anything relevant. Maybe log out of Twitter and see if it was just that? Or reinstall your browser and the add-on?

Logging out and in did it!

Yay! We are free!

I assume that's a solution, then. Although I would like to see a permanent fix. Closing.