
Tweets are showing as if you are on "Home/Top Tweets" rather than "Latest Tweets", with no button to change it

Opened this issue · 11 comments

Describe the bug
Tweets are displayed with the "Top Tweets" layout, (ie: showing "x person follows", "x person liked")

To Reproduce
Look at Twitter

Expected behavior
Previously the tweets were displayed in the "Latest Tweets" format, which removes the "x person follows", etc.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Browser Version 80.0.3987.149
  • GoodTwitter Beta (Yes/No): N
  • GoodTwitter Version 2.2

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

I'm having this problem, too. I see tweets shown as "❤ So-and-so liked this" in my timeline. Please fix. ☺

Same issue, plus my timeline only loads back about 40-50 minutes. Once at the bottom, it stops loading older tweets and I only get the "Back To Top" link. Are others experiencing this as well as the above issue?


I can attest to what phillyparttwo is reporting. If you remove GoodTwitter, use the vanilla Twitter to change to Latest Tweets, then add GoodTwitter again, the posts load as they should. However, over time Twitter will change back to Top Tweets and the tweets won't load just like mentioned. It seems like this issue will be resolved if the addon makes sure that the user is on latest tweets feed, and if not changes to it, if possible.

I tried going into settings, turning Top Tweets ACTUALLY on, clearing the cache, going back in to the timeline, then going back into settings, turning it off again, clearing the cache, and going back to the timeline again. I can't tell if it's working or if it's, as @Gadhan stated above, just changing temporarily and the going back to Top over time. Can others try this and keep an eye on it?

EDIT: The temporary change seems to put it back to Latest Tweets and no replies, but I am still timing out at the bottom of the timeline at about 40-50 minutes. Is anyone else reporting this??


I tried a few less-good revert-to-old-twitter extensions, and to the best of my knowledge, they are having the same issue. It must be a twitter code or API change, and hopefully the developers of GoodTwitter (the only one that doesn't create a new page when you click into a tweet which is why it's best) is around and developing a fix but who knows.

My timeline is ending like after 40-50 minutes. After that I can't go back any further. I can't work like that. I had to disable GoodTwitter. It's a shame, it's been a workhorse. Hopefully it returns to functionality, but I'll have to live with Bad Twitter like the rest of the sheep.

I'm also having all of these problems. I first noticed it wasn't loading all of my timeline. I tried clearing my cache and internet history and thought that fixed it. But then, I started seeing "so-and-so liked this tweet" and began to suspect something had changed and GoodTwitter wasn't working correctly. Unfortunately, I've also had to remove GoodTwitter. I hope it can be fixed because I really, really hate Bad Twitter.

I'm having the timeout, replies, likes, etc problem as well. ;o; I hope a fix is found quickly and thank you all for your work!

Where do we stand on a potential fix for this? I've had to go almost exclusively to the mobile app for relief.

Having all of these issues and had to deactivate the extension. Hopeful for a fix soon.

I've also been having the exact same issues as everyone else. My Twitter TL ending after just 40-50 minutes is particularly irritating.