
Documentation quality checks

zverok opened this issue · 0 comments

Next step in docs check: not only correction, but also quality.

Some ideas on checks:

  • simple "undocumented X" for X in (class, method, constant, parameter, what else?);
  • unnecessary documented return value for predicate methods (YARD does it automatically);
  • wrongful documented return value type for predicate methods (when it is documented and is not boolean);
  • possibly undocumented options (when last argument is options, but there is no @option tags);
  • valid code syntax inside @example block and backtick-marked code blocks (highlighter which comes with YARD dependencies like markdown/rdoc would be enough: they fail to highlight on invalid syntax);
  • Link::To::Class which should be {Link::To::Class} and (much harder) plaintext "Link::To::Class" too;
  • common errors in docs syntax themselves (like unclosed backticks or bold/italic, lists that would not be rendered so, and so on) -- look at https://github.com/markdownlint/markdownlint
  • spellchecking of docs with some existing gem?
  • Example: <code> vs @example;
  • Unsolved namespaces (in Rails, you can define Foo::Bar::SomeClass without defining Foo::Bar, and YARD includes it in a menu as a Foo::Bar::SomeClass, instead of Foo > Bar > SomeClass)
  • ...more to come.

This issue probably will be split into several, including, alongside the checks themselves:

  • some checks structure/naming conventions (see rubocop, again);
  • .rubocop.yml-alike config of checks (disabling, parameters passing, style preferences);
  • yard-junk:disable CheckName inline.

PS: Take a look at yardstick before doing anything!