
Valetudo install on 2008

dimmuboy opened this issue · 2 comments

Is there any other way to install Valetudo with vacuum_2008_beta4 because my standard way to update firmware doesn't work.

After install of vacuum_2008_beta4.pkg I can't update any other firmware (e.g. Valetudo).
miio inform me
ERROR:miio.updater:No request was made..
rrcc give me a error:

Robot does not send firmware package request!
Make sure your firewall accepts incoming tcp connections for -> and try again...

Moreover downgrade or any other fw update does not work either

zvldz commented

OTA in new firmware is limited.
Need to update via Valetudo
Settings/Info -> Firmware update

Thank you so much. Your solution from Telegram group help me.
Upgrade with OTA command
mirobo --ip=192.168.1.xx --token=xyz raw-command miIO.ota "{'mode':'normal', 'install':'1','app_url':'https://vacuumz.info/download/gen2/vacuum_valetudo_re_2008.pkg', 'file_md5':'cec5d20afb189e119b164ceb5324d058','proc':'dnld install'}"