Environments: Xeon Gold 5120 (CPU), 384GB(RAM), TITAN RTX (GPU), Ubuntu 16.04 (OS)
The PyTorch version we use is torch 1.7.1+cu110. Please refer to the official website -- https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/ -- for the detailed installation instructions.
To install other requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To train the model(s) in the paper, run this command:
cd src; python train.py --dataset cora/citeseer/pubmed
Please refer to the Appendix for the detailed hyperparameters.
If you use NDLS in a scientific publication, we would appreciate citations to the following paper:
title={Node Dependent Local Smoothing for Scalable Graph Learning},
author={Zhang, Wentao and Yang, Mingyu and Sheng, Zeang and Li, Yang and Ouyang, Wen and Tao, Yangyu and Yang, Zhi and Cui, Bin},
journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},