listingSearch doesn't work anymore?
d668 opened this issue · 7 comments
Copied from the readme
var airbnb = require('airbnbapijs');
(async () => {
var list = await airbnb.listingSearch({
location: 'Akihabara, Tokyo',
checkin: '2020-01-21',
checkout: '2020-02-10',
offset: 0,
limit: 20,
language: 'en-US',
currency: 'USD',
guests: 6, // Number of guests for price quote
instantBook: true, // only list instant bookable listings.
minBathrooms: 0,
minBedrooms: 2,
minBeds: 6,
minPrice: 0,
maxPrice: 0,
superhost: true,
amenities: [1, 2, 4, 23], // array of IDs.
hostLanguages: [1, 3, 6], // array of IDs.
keywords: 'ocean view,garden,quiet', //comma separated
roomTypes: ['Entire home/apt', 'Private room', 'Shared room'],
neighborhoods: ['westside', 'riverside'],
minPicCount: 4,
sortDirection: 1 // 1 = forward, 0 = reverse
console.log(list); //undefined
})().catch(err => {
list is undefined
Have you tried logging from a then
This function stopped working for me too. It worked from earlier this year but stopped working about a couple months ago.
@pbvillaflores because it is silly to assume just calling http endpoint will keep working. Have a look at to get the idea what it takes to fool a mega corporation
@jasonsbarr await is the same as then
var airbnb = require('airbnbapijs');
location: 'Akihabara, Tokyo'
.then(x =>
.catch(x =>
doesn't go into error, goes into then and undefined
Same for me, return undefined
Looks like there is also problem with catch block (log doesn`t work??).
After replace log.e
to console.error
I am getting :
StatusCodeError: 404 - {"error_code":404,"error_type":"record_not_found","error_message":"Unfortunately, this is no longer available.","error_id":"0901df9625d97646f8a8b1fa8eef9b89"}
I am using big cities in query like: Prague, New York, London...
Was anyone able to get this working?
@circuitry @JaLe29 that one works fine