
renderRefreshControl progress value not change when pull down

surethink opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug

When I render custom refresh control with renderRefreshControl, progress value is 0, not change during pull down, when stop, the value is 1

const renderRefreshControl = ({ refreshValue, refreshType, progress }) => { console.log(refreshValue, refreshType, progress) return ( <View style={{backgroundColor:"red",alignItems:"center",paddingVertical:0}}> <ActivityIndicator size="small" color={colors.secondaryTextColor} /> <Text>{progress.value}</Text> </View> ) }

Expected behavior

1、during pull down, progress value change from 1% to 100%
2、it's better that there is no default distance between the custom refresh control view and my screen view.

Package versions


  • React: 17.0.2
  • React Native: 0.64
  • React-Native-Gesture-Handler: ^1.10.3

@surethink Because progress is Reanimated2.SharedValue , it should be used like this.

useAnimatedReaction(() => {
    return progress
}, () => {


You can refer to the CustomRefreshControl file in the example.

You can refer to the CustomRefreshControl file in the example.

got it, thanks