
Multiple path manipulation vulnerability

enferas opened this issue · 0 comments


I would like to report for possible path manipulation vulnerabilities.

The path of the vulnerability.

In file https://github.com/zyx0814/dzzoffice/blob/master/dzz/io/setStream.php

	exit('Access Denied');
if(!$msg && ($re=IO::setFileContent($path,$content,true))){

In file https://github.com/zyx0814/dzzoffice/blob/master/core/class/io/io_ALIOSS.php

public function setFileContent($path,$data){

In file https://github.com/zyx0814/dzzoffice/blob/master/core/class/io/io_ALIOSS.php

public function deleteThumb($path){
		global $_G;
                // Note path carry the value from the source
		foreach($_G['setting']['thumbsize'] as $value){
			$target = $imgcachePath . ($cachepath) . '.' . $value['width'] . '_' . $value['height'] . '_1.jpeg';
			$target1 = $imgcachePath . ($cachepath) . '.' . $value['width'] . '_' . $value['height'] . '_2.jpeg';

We see that there is no check between the input $_GET['path'] and the unlink for the $target.
$target can carry the value ../ which go back in the image directory.