
Can't run OldOS on Xcode 12.5

lgrachov opened this issue · 10 comments

I'm trying to run OldOS on MacBook Air M2 with Xcode 12.5 and on build I have errors

Снимок экрана 2022-12-11 в 20 37 29

maybe update xcode or update your macbook maybe that will help

I was able to build it for iPhone today with Xcode 14.1 with just a couple tweaks:

  • tell Xcode to update to latest package versions
  • had to comment out a couple VStacks in Weather.swift (the ones containing ForEach)
  • added a 'return' inside the closure at line 412 of Safari.swift

I wasn't able to build it for Simulator on Apple Silicon because MailCore isn't yet compiled for it

I was able to build it for iPhone today with Xcode 14.1 with just a couple tweaks:

  • tell Xcode to update to latest package versions
  • had to comment out a couple VStacks in Weather.swift (the ones containing ForEach)
  • added a 'return' inside the closure at line 412 of Safari.swift

I wasn't able to build it for Simulator on Apple Silicon because MailCore isn't yet compiled for it

I will try to do anything what you typed in list and build it to my iPhone

maybe update xcode or update your macbook maybe that will help

I don't want to use macOS Ventura

and do not forget that I cough a lot and I have snot

is there a latest version of monterey? or did they kill that off already

is xcode on latest version? that could be the issue

is xcode on latest version? that could be the issue

Снимок экрана 2022-12-15 в 13 09 56

Xcode? I didn't run it before I replied to your message about Xcode; the 14.0 version

Do you interested why I have 14.0 not the 14.1? Because I'm currently coding on Xamarin.Mac and the Xamarin.Mac doesn't work with Xcode 14.1

damn idk what to tell ya