
enhancement request on cards layout

viseth opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi @zzseba78,

Thanks for keeping updated with the Ulkit version.
It would be a nice feature to have the cards filter with a list of pattern or tags. Currently only one seems to be possible.

Something like below, which would filter out the music cards and the photography cards.


how does it sounds ?




You can use the group function and use it like this for example (this would also work to filter by text and by pills/tags):
filter: []; group:


so for the text you need to adjust the cards.js:

UIkit.util.on(search, 'keyup', function() {
	debounce = setTimeout(function() {
		var value = search.value;
		var finalValue = value.toLowerCase();
		var searchTerm = '';

		if (value.length) searchTerm = 'filter: [data-tags*="' + finalValue + '" i]; group: text';
		UIkit.util.attr(searchVal, 'uk-filter-control', searchTerm);
	}, 300);

the "i" in the data attribute selector helps with being not case-sensitive and you could get rid of the value.toLowerCase();
if (value.length) searchTerm = 'filter: [data-tags*="' + finalValue + '" i]; group: text';


<ul class="uk-subnav uk-subnav-pill">
 <li class="uk-active" data-uk-filter-control><a href="#">Show All</a></li>
 <li uk-filter-control="filter: .nature-card; group: nature"><a href="#">Nature</a></li>
 <li uk-filter-control="filter:.music-card; group: music"><a href="#">Music</a></li>
 <li uk-filter-control="filter:.photo-card; group: photo"><a href="#">Photography</a></li>
 <li uk-filter-control="filter:.design-card; group: design"><a href="#">Design</a></li>

If you want I can make a branch to demonstrate it. Also at the moment you can search only for text that is in the exact order, I found a way to tackle this as well.

Hi @PaulFelge,

Thanks for the reply, how do you handle the tag split caracter in your case ? For example : music, photography ?
Indeed the search value is a input field, so the search.value is a string.