Error in train.py

Opened this issue · 7 comments

When i try to run the code for the first time i get an error in line : torch.save([trained_models, acc, f_score], model_path), which is : [Errno 2] No such file or directory...
How can i solve this?

Maybe it's because ./model folder and it's subfolders doesn't exist.

I should have checked if the folders exist and created them if they doesn't. But I was lazy, so I created them manually. lol

I'm sorry to make you trouble. I'll add corresponding code later.

I'll fix it too.
One more question:
You will be create an updated version with subject independent training?

Probably not. I'll consider it if I have time, but I'm busy with my graduation thesis recently.

Ok, so i'll try to make it and i'll send you my version then.

Thank you.

And one weird thing is that when i use yours deifferential features as an input in simple machine learning models(like knn,svm etc.), i got an accuracy like 0.99 to 1.

Really? I have no idea about it.