
CV 简历

Opened this issue · 2 comments

赵正中 Sam Snowman

529520158@qq.com Phone(Wechat): +86 13122976200 DOB:1991-04-28 Now in Maanshan, Anhui

技术博客 Tech Blog Linkedin Github 豆瓣
Stackoverflow Twitter

经历 Experience

  • Alibaba Group Front End developer (Outsourcing) Oct 2021 - Apr 2022

  • I myself develop an audit app from ground to deploying online(leveraging react.js and some ali framework & tools)

  • 负责独立从零开发审批流应用到部署上线(使用了react.js 和一些阿里的框架工具)

  • Microsoft Contract Web Developer Nov 2015 – 2016

  1. update & refactor front-end & back-end code 维护更新
  2. technical investigation of React.js 调研React.js
  • SAP Labs China Web Developer 2015 – Nov 2015
  1. integrate CVOM(a charting framework based on d3) with GUILIN(a front-end MVVM framework like Angular which provides two-way binding & AMD...) 集成CVOM(一个基于d3的图表框架)和GUILIN(一个MVVM前端框架,类似Angular提供了双向绑定和AMD)
  2. integrate D3.js with React.js 集成D3.js和React.js
  3. front-end page making & D3 data visualization 前端页面制作,D3数据可视化
  4. Reacting... Fluxing... (Facebook™)
  • UCloud Node.js dev Oct 2014 – Mar 2015
  1. maintain & update support system, communicate with all kinds of department to add workflow cases.
    write testing cases & docs for workflow cases. 维护更新⽀支持系统,跟各部⻔门沟通来增加各种用例。给工作流写测试和文档。
  2. We improve the performance of our system(throughput, startup speed) by moving part of the model layer from database to local file system. 通过将一部分model层从数据库转移到本地文件系统,提⾼系统的性能(吞吐,开启速度)
  3. implement simple CRUD system. 完成简单的CRUD系统
  4. help to improve monitor system(API & graph). 帮助别的部門提高监控系统(API&图)
  5. online problem locating & debugging. 线上问题的定位和排查
  • Anjuke Inc.(安居客) iOS dev Dec 2013 – Sep 2014
  1. update Anjuke app, refactor page(view code) to make it more dynamic 对安居客的应⽤用进⾏行维护更新,例如重构View代码使它变得更动态
  2. design & implement simple animated chart control 设计实现一个有动画的图表控件
  3. use KVO(like observer pattern) to achieve parallax visual effect 用KVO(类似观察者模式)完成动画特效
  4. write a simple tool for coworkers to speed up workflow 写了一个帮助同事加快workflow的简单工具
  • Knewone.com iOS dev Jul 2013 – Oct 2013
  • implement the very first version of Knewone App & learn rails from super cool colleague @jasl (organizer of ruby conference China)
  • 完成初版iOS应⽤用开发,向好友同事 @jasl (ruby conference China 组织者) 学习 rails

写过一些app和游戏 点 这里 可以看到。参加过上海黑客马拉松,barcamp, rails girls教练。

I've write some apps & games click here to see. I took part in Shanghai Hackathon, barcamp, rails girl coach.

教育 Education

2009 - 2013 BSc, Computer Science; 安徽工业大学 Anhui University of Technology

2006 - 2009 马鞍山二中 Mas No.2 Middle School

关于我 About me

a funny guy with wide software engineering experience
eager to learn, so that self-motivated, so that love to communicate

super cool at any ball game, challenge me pls!

I have the belief that the world is gonna be better if it's more open and connected.

技能 Skills

Language 语言 : LISP(love), Javascript/Node(skilled 熟练), Ruby(on Rails)(like), Elixir, Objective-C(skilled 熟练), Java(skilled 熟练), Python, PHP, Shell, Haskell, OCaml, Prolog, IO, Julia, Elm, Rust(Leveling-up)

Tools & Frameworks 工具 & 框架 : Every-day Git, Chrome dev tools, React(Love), Vue, Rxjs(Love), Reactive Cocoa(FRP programming), Jest, TDD(Rspec) experience, zsh, vim

Extra 其他

  • Human Languages 语言

    • Chinese (native speaker)
    • English (Full professional proficiency)
    • Japanese (Limited working proficiency)
    • Korean (Elementary proficiency)
  • Honors & Awards 荣誉

    • Microsoft Smart Phone Dev Competetion Pioneer 微软智能手机开发比赛先锋
    • College Magician Contest Champion 大学魔术协会比赛第一
    • Hua Cup Math Competition second prize(华罗庚金杯少年数学邀请赛)
    • WCG world cyber game war3 Audition contest second round (WCG电竞海选赛进入第二轮)
    • National Math competition first prize, I won 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize separately in middle school 中学分别得到全国数学联赛一,二,三等奖
    • College Basketball Competition Award 大学篮球比赛奖
    • School Table Tennis Award 学校乒乓球比赛奖
    • Singing Contest Award 歌唱比赛奖

wrong markdown style, will fix
