
problem in php output

Closed this issue · 4 comments


if(($x++ > 10) && ($y++ <= 20))
    $x--; //11
    $y--;  //20
echo ($x.'&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.$y)

Hello @SAumyaJYotiKabi ,

Thank you for reporting.

For personal reference, here is a similar issue: https://zzzcode.ai/html/code-generator?id=7a66902f-ffbf-4daf-a227-f8bd96db38e9

(This doesn't happen when the code is generated, but only when is accessed a second time such as sharing the result)

Best Regards,


Hello @SAumyaJYotiKabi ,

The issue should now be fixed. If you still get it, make sure to provide the shared URL so we can look at it.

Best Regards,


Thank again @SAumyaJYotiKabi ,

The output for this one should now be perfect. We have a few errors we fixed with characters like > and <

Only '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' is remaining. But on this one, there is nothing we can do as this is what has been generated by ChatGPT, which could be valid in a string literal.