
My old blog... (deprecated)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Financial Contributors on Open Collective Greenkeeper badge Total alerts contributions welcome Netlify Status

Twitter: JbeeLjyhanll



In this template...

  • 💄 Code highlight with Fira Code font
  • 🧙 CLI Tool
  • 😄 Emoji (emojione)
  • 🗣 Social share feature (Twitter, Facebook)
  • 💬 Comment feature (disqus, utterances)
  • ☕ 'Buy me a coffee' service
  • 🤖 GA
  • ⭐ Enhance UX
  • ⚙ Configurable

About this Template


Use case


If you're using this template, Please Pull Request for Use case!

😎 Quick Start

1. Create a Gatsby site

# create a new Gatsby site using the blog starter
npx gatsby new my-blog-starter https://github.com/JaeYeopHan/gatsby-starter-bee

If you are not using npx, following Gatsby Getting Started

npm install -g gatsby-cli
gatsby new my-blog-starter https://github.com/JaeYeopHan/gatsby-starter-bee

2. Start developing

cd my-blog-starter/
npm start
# open localhost:8000

3. Add your content

You can write...

  • contents to blog in content/blog directory.
  • resume content/__about directory.

With markdown syntax and some meta data

Support script for creating new post


npm run post

👉 Use gatsby-post-gen (https://github.com/JaeYeopHan/gatsby-post-gen)

4. Fix meta data

You can fix meta data of blog in /gatsby-meta-config.js file.

5. Publish with netlify

Deploy to Netlify

💡 if you want to deploy github pages, add following script to package.json

"scripts": {
    "deploy": "gatsby build && gh-pages -d public -b master -r 'git@github.com:${your github id}/${github page name}.github.io.git'"

🧐 Customize

⚙ Gatsby config

├── gatsby-browser.js // font, polyfill, onClientRender ...
├── gatsby-config.js // Gatsby config
├── gatsby-meta-config.js // Template meta config
└── gatsby-node.js // Gatsby Node config

⛑ Structure

├── components // Just component with styling
├── layout // home, post layout
├── pages // routing except post: /(home), /about
├── styles
│   ├── code.scss
│   ├── dark-theme.scss
│   ├── light-theme.scss
│   └── variables.scss
└── templates
    ├── blog-post.js
    └── home.js

🎨 Style

You can customize color in src/styles directory.

├── code.scss
├── dark-theme.scss
├── light-theme.scss
└── variables.scss

🍭 Tips (You can change...)

  • Profile image! (replace file in /content/assets/profile.png)
  • Favicon image! (replace file in /content/assets/felog.png)
  • Header gradient! ($theme-gradient /styles/variables.scss)
  • Utterances repository! (replace repository address in /gatsby-meta-config.js)

☕ Like it?

Buy Me A Coffee

🤔 If

If you are currently writing in the Medium, consider migration with medium-to-own-blog!

🐛 Bug reporting


🎁 Contributing

Contributing guide


Code Contributors

This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute].

Financial Contributors

Become a financial contributor and help us sustain our community. [Contribute]



Support this project with your organization. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Contribute]



Project by @Jbee