This repository contains for assets and logos associated with the Open Sauced project.
- Use the Open Sauced logo to link to the Open Sauced project.
- Use the Open Sauced in social buttons to link to your GitHub profile or project
- Use the Open Sauced logo to advertise that your product has built-in Open Sauced integration
- Use the Open Sauced logo in a blog post or news article about Open Sauced
- Use the Open Sauced logo for your application’s icon
- Integrate the Open Sauced logo into your logo
- Use any Open Sauced artwork without permission
- Sell any Open Sauced artwork without permission
- Change the colors, dimensions or add your own text/images
- If you want to use artwork not included in this repository
- If you want to use these images in a video/mainstream media
- Naming projects and products
- Please avoid naming your projects anything that implies Open Sauced endorsement