
Submit tweets for https://twitter.com/SemanticRelease using pull requests

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Submit tweets for @SemanticRelease using pull requests

To submit a new tweet, create a new *.tweet file in the tweets/ folder and send a pull request.

Create new tweet


Create a new file tweets/hello-world.tweet with the content

Hello, world!

You can use subfolders, e.g. tweets/2020/01/hello-world.tweet, as long as the file is in the tweets/ folder and has the .tweet file extension

What to tweet

  • Interesting usage/use-cases of semantic-release
  • Tutorials/projects about release automation
  • News about semantic-release and related projects
  • Other items relevant to the semantic-release community


  • Only newly created files are handled. Deletions, updates or renames are ignored.
  • *.tweet files will not be created for tweets you send out directly from twitter.com
  • If you need to rename an existing tweet file, please do so locally using git mv old_filename new_filename, otherwise it may occur as deleted and added which would trigger a new tweet.


If you have any further questions or suggestions, please create an issue at https://github.com/gr2m/twitter-together/issues/new