
Extracts information from metadata_sqlite_db and the corresponding content_cache folder. Both artifacts of Google Drive for Desktop

Parsing the database and matching a file to the filename in the content_cache folder, if provided and the file is still in cache. Offers json and csv export as well as a GUI.


Option Explanation
-f <FILE>, --file <FILE> Path (relative or absolute) to the metadata_sqlite_db file. Example: C:\Data\metadata_sqlite_db
-d <DIRECTORY>, --directory <DIRECTORY> Path (relative or absolute) to directory containing the cache. Example: C:\Data\content_cache
-o <DIRECTORY>, --output <DIRECTORY> Path (relative or absolute) to directory were the output shoudl be written to. Example: C:\Data
-j <FILE>, --json <FILE> Filename for JSON output. Example: res.json
-c <FILE>, --csv <FILE> Filename for CSV output. Example: res.csv
-v, --verbose Increase output verbosity
-g, --gui Start GUI shown reconstruced directory tree with selected information. You need to use the -f option in combination with -g. To start just the GUI run without commands


Entries were a matching file found in the content_cache are marked in green color. If an entry is marked as trashed, it is marked in red. The node "NO_PARENT_ITME_IN_ITEMS_TABEL" is a node added by pMetaDataParse. It is used to sort the items where no parent could be found in the itmes table. It is NOT an entry present in the metadata_sqlite_db file.!

I further created an executable with auto-py-to-exe, this executable will open the GUI and you can select "content_cache" and "metadat_sqlite_db" via the menue. Click afterwards click reload.

One thing on the GUI: I will not show all data extracted, it is more to visualize things, focus on some important and have a more easy access to the tool. If you want to see everything that gMetaDataParse extracts, use the --csv or --json output in the command line.


  • See requirements.txt.
  • To install on linux run (tested on fresh Ubuntu 22 install): apt install -y python3-pip; apt install -y python3-tk; pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • To install on windows: install pip3; open PowerShell and run pip3 install -r requirements.txt OR you use the provided executable


# parse metadat_sqlite_db and the content cache folder, creating a csv file and a json file in the current directory
python3 ./ -f ./ -f .\metadata_sqlite_db -d .\content_cache\ -c res.csv -j res.json

# parse metadat_sqlite_db and the content cache folder, creating a csv file and a json file in the current directory AND lunch the GUI
python3 ./ -f ./ -f .\metadata_sqlite_db -d .\content_cache\ -c res.csv -j res.json -g

# parse metadat_sqlite_db and the content cache folder, starting the GUI showing the results
python3 ./ -f ./ -f .\metadata_sqlite_db -d .\content_cache\ -g

# starting the GUI, select metadata_sqlite_db and content_cache folder in the GUI
python3 ./ 


  • If you review the code you will see a few things:
  • I'm not a GUI person and neither a person that likes to develop a GUI application. You will easily see this in the code; I still decided to offer write a very basic one.
  • The tool was basically done in the command line version, than I added the GUI on top. I might rewrite this in the future. Still I wanted to release, so the tool can be used.



  • Free to use, reuse and redistribute for everyone.
  • No Limitations.
  • Of course attribution is always welcome but not mandatory.

Bugs, Discussions, Feature requests, contact

  • Still need to complete the description of each of the fields extracted and implement the function to print it.
  • open an issue
  • contact me via Mastodon
  • (reaching out via Twitter doesn't really work well anymore...sorry)

further reading

Change History

  • Version 0.0502:
    • Fix issue 1
      • If neither json,csv,gui or verbose is choosen as output, gMetaDataParse will fall back to write csv output to local directory with a filename like: %Y%m%d_%H%M%S_output.csv
    • improved error handling if database or cache dir are not found
  • Version 0.0501:
    • Bug fix
    • GUI was showing wrong data in 'Found in cache dir' column for deleted items. Thanks to @chadtilbury for pointing out the issue.
  • Version 0.0500:
    • initial release