
powershell script searches a given path or file and determines if .lnk files with remote IconLocation are present and print them to std out.

Primary LanguagePowerShell


author: @b00010111
powershell script searches a given path or file and determines if .lnk files with remote IconLocation are present and print them to std out.
EXPERIMENTAL: checks whether the host has the registry configured to allow or disallow remote Icon locations
Errors will we written to .shortcut_check.ps1_error.txt in current working directory.
If you rename the script errors will be written to ".$NEWSCRIPTNAME_error.txt".
If no options are given help is shown.
Inspired by https://www.us-cert.gov/ncas/alerts/TA18-074A and the usage of remote IconLocation within windows shortcut files.


  • -p (-path) # to specify a path
  • -f (-file) # for a specific .lnk file
  • -v (-verbose) y # if you want to see all found IconLocations
  • EXPERIMENTAL feature!!!! -r (-registry) y #specify -r y to check registry if remote IconLocation is allowed or not. EXPERIMENTAL feature!!!!

usage examples:

  • .\shortcut_check.ps1 -p C:\ -r y -v y
  • .\shortcut_check.ps1 -p C:\
  • .\shortcut_check.ps1 -f C:\Users\exampleUser\Desktop\test_links\TEST.lnk -v y -r y
  • .\shortcut_check.ps1 -f C:\Users\exampleUser\Desktop\test_links\TEST.lnk

further work

If you are aware of ways to set a remote IconLocation within a shortcut file that are not find by the script and cause an SMB request please contact me on twitter.
If you know more about how to disable remote IconLocations for the different Windows version please contact me on twitter.