
Spring Boot, Kotlin, and Reactive Scylla sample project

Primary LanguageKotlin

Spring Boot with Kotlin and Reactive Cassandra

Example of Spring Data Cassandra with Reactor.

Quick start

This guide use ScyllaDB implementation of Cassandra.

First, instantiate a ScyllaDB container.

    cd ./src/test/resources
    docker-compose up

Next, install CQL shell (require Python 2): (Optional)

    pip install cqlsh

Connect with Scylla:

    cqlsh 9042

Check if Scylla actually works:

    cqlsh> select release_version from system.local;
    (1 rows)

To run this project, create a new keyspace named mykeyspace:

    create keyspace mykeyspace with replication = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 };

Edit application.properties accorddingly.


  1. Based on spring-projects/spring-data-examples and spring-projects/spring-boot
  2. Find out more about Reactor: reactor/reactor-core
  3. ScyllaDB: scylladb/scylla