
IDA FLIRT Signature Database


IDA FLIRT Signature Database


GitHub - push0ebp/ALLirt - https://github.com/push0ebp/ALLirt

Sig List

  • Ubuntu libc6 OpenSSL

    • 4.10 (warty)
    • 5.04 (hoary)
    • 5.10 (breezy)
    • 6.06 (dapper)
    • 6.10 (edgy)
    • 7.04 (feisty)
    • 7.10 (gutsy)
    • 8.04 (hardy)
    • 8.10 (intrepid)
    • 9.04 (jaunty)
    • 9.10 (karmic)
    • 10.10 (maverick)
    • 11.04 (natty)
    • 11.10 (oneiric)
    • 12.04 (precise)
    • 12.10 (quantal)
    • 13.04 (raring)
    • 13.10 (saucy)
    • 14.04 (trusty)
    • 14.10 (utopic)
    • 15.04 (vivid)
    • 15.10 (wily)
    • 16.04 (xenial)
    • 16.10 (yakkety)
    • 17.04 (zesty)
    • 17.10 (artful)
    • 18.04 (bionic)
    • 18.10 (cosmic)
  • Windows

    • VC12 - libcmt
    • OpenSSL
      • 0.9.8
      • 1.0.2

TODO : commit static libraries. please wait.

I encountered error in making signature on other architectures (mips, powerpc) with pelf (Unknown relocation type), so couldn't make pat file.

If you know solution for this problem, contact me and reflect it to these.

I used launchpad.net please suggest me mirrors.

when I use pelf to make a sig (libc 2.27 latest)

Fatal [/private/tmp/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.a] (init-first.o): Unknown relocation type 42 (offset in section=0x3).

I am looking for pelf.rtb new(7.1) version to make sig of libc 2.27 amd64. push0ebp@gmail.com

Thank you