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Hi there 👋

Welcome to That Project, a channel dedicated to showcasing exciting projects using microcontrollers, with a particular focus on the ESP32 series. Whether you're a hobbyist or a professional, you'll find plenty of inspiration here as I explore the world of IoT and demonstrate how to use microcontrollers to create a wide range of innovative projects.

Our videos cover a variety of topics, from using ChatGPT to enhance your microcontroller projects, to creating projects using ESP32-CAM and LVGL. I also offer detailed tutorials on programming, hardware, and other aspects of microcontroller development, so you can dive into the world of IoT with confidence.

Join our community of like-minded makers and innovators and discover the endless possibilities of microcontroller projects. Don't forget to subscribe to stay up-to-date with our latest videos and projects, and be sure to leave a comment if you have any questions or suggestions for future videos. My Channel