Precise wire bending CNC machine for wires at 1mm and less in diameter.
Current version: 1.1 (2019-09-29)
- build a simple wire bending machine that is easily createable by other makers
- capable of making sharp bends with millimeter precision
- most of the parts 3D printed
- using common parts and fasteners easily and cheaply purchasable
- jewelry making, electronics, art ...
3D printed parts (STL files)
- Bender
- Tool Head
- Motor Frame
- Feeder
- Motor frame
- Bottom frame
- Wire guide
- Idler gear carriage
- Idler gear spacer
- Feeding gear spacer
- Bending plate (template)
- Straightener rollers (2x)
- Bed frame (2x)
- Top gears frame (2x)
- Roller (14x)
- Spool holder
- 3x16 wood screw (16x)
- M3x10 hex-socket bolt (4x)
- M3x12 hex-socket bolt (18x)
- M3x20 hex-socket bolt (6x)
- M3x40 hex-socket bolt (4x)
- M3 nut (10x)
- M3 washer (14x)
- Arduino UNO
- CNC shield kit for Arduino UNO
- A4988 stepper driver (included in CNC shield kit) (2x)
- NEMA17 stepper motor / 17HS8401 (2x)
- 12V 3A power supply adapter
- Jumpers (6x)
- Welding Machine Feeding gear V-grove (30mm diameter)
- Small steel spring 4x6mm
- Bearing 3x10x4mm
- Bearing 6x15x4mm
- 6mm steel rod
- 2mm thick small sheet of steel for bending plate (optional)
- Wood board for a base (minimal size - 450x100mm)
Full tutorial available on