
The gPodder podcast client, versions 2.x (two branch) and 3.x (master branch).

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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                          Media aggregator and podcast client


             Copyright  2005-2016 Thomas Perl and the gPodder Team


    gPodder is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    gPodder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


    - Python 2.7 or newer              http://python.org/
    - Feedparser 5.1.2 or newer        http://code.google.com/p/feedparser/
    - mygpoclient 1.7 or newer         http://gpodder.org/mygpoclient/
    - Python D-Bus bindings

    As an alternative to python-dbus on Mac OS X and Windows, you can use
    the dummy (no-op) D-Bus module provided in "tools/fake-dbus-module/".

    For quick testing, you can use the script tools/localdepends.py to
    install local copies of feedparser and mygpoclient into "src/" from
    PyPI. With this, you get a self-contained gPodder CLI codebase.


    - PyGTK 2.16 or newer              http://pygtk.org/


    - Bluetooth file sending: gnome-obex-send or bluetooth-sendto
    - Size detection on Windows: PyWin32
    - Native OS X support: ige-mac-integration
    - MP3 Player Sync Support: python-eyed3 (0.7 or newer)
    - iPod Sync Support: python-gpod


    - help2man
    - intltool


    - python-minimock
    - python-coverage
    - desktop-file-utils


    To run tests, use...
        make unittest

    To set a specific python binary set PYTHON:
        PYTHON=python2 make unittest

    Tests in gPodder are written in two different ways:

       - doctests (see http://docs.python.org/2/library/doctest.html)
       - unittests (see http://docs.python.org/2/library/unittest.html)

    If you want to add doctests, simply write the doctest and make sure that
    the module appears in "doctest_modules" in src/gpodder/unittests.py. For
    example, the doctests in src/gpodder/util.py are added as 'util' (the
    "gpodder" prefix must not be specified there).

    If you want to add unit tests for a specific module (ex: gpodder.model),
    you should add the tests as gpodder.test.model, or in other words:

        The file       src/gpodder/model.py
        is tested by   src/gpodder/test/model.py

    After you've added the test, make sure that the module appears in
    "test_modules" in src/gpodder/unittests.py - for the example above, the
    unittests in src/gpodder/test/model.py are added as 'model'. For unit
    tests, coverage reporting happens for the tested module (that's why the
    test module name should mirror the module to be tested).


    To run gPodder from source, use..

        bin/gpodder              for the Gtk+ UI
        bin/gpo                  for the command-line interface

    To install gPodder system-wide, use "make install". By default, this
    will install *all* UIs and all translations. The following environment
    variables are processed by setup.py:

        LINGUAS                  space-separated list of languages to install
        GPODDER_INSTALL_UIS      space-separated list of UIs to install
        GPODDER_MANPATH_NO_SHARE if set, install manpages to $PREFIX/man/man1

    See setup.py for a list of recognized UIs.

    Example: Install the CLI and Gtk UI with German and Dutch translations:

        export LINGUAS="de nl"
        export GPODDER_INSTALL_UIS="cli gtk"
        make install

    The "make install" target also supports DESTDIR and PREFIX for installing
    into an alternative root (default /) and prefix (default /usr):

        make install DESTDIR=tmp/ PREFIX=/usr/local/


    For Python 3 support, we recommend you use gPodder 4.x for now.


    The run-time environment variable GPODDER_HOME is used to set
    the location for storing the database and downloaded files.

    This can be used for multiple configurations or to store the
    download directory directly on a MP3 player or USB disk:

        export GPODDER_HOME=/media/usbdisk/gpodder-data/

	OS X Specific Notes 
		default GPODDER_HOME="$HOME/Library/Application Support/gPodder"
		default GPODDER_DOWNLOAD_DIR="$HOME/Library/Application Support/gPodder/download"

		These settings may be modified by editing the following file of the .app : 
		Add and edit the following lines to alter the launch enviroment on OS X : 
			export GPODDER_HOME="$HOME/Library/Application Support/gPodder"
			export GPODDER_DOWNLOAD_DIR="$HOME/Library/Application Support/gPodder/download"


    The run-time environment variable GPODDER_DOWNLOAD_DIR is used to
    set the location for storing the downloads only (independent of the
    data directory GPODDER_HOME):

        export GPODDER_DOWNLOAD_DIR=/media/BigDisk/Podcasts/

    In this case, the database and settings will be stored in the default
    location, with the downloads stored in /media/BigDisk/Podcasts/.

    Another example would be to set both environment variables:

        export GPODDER_HOME=~/.config/gpodder/
        export GPODDER_DOWNLOAD_DIR=~/Podcasts/

    This will store the database and settings files in ~/.config/gpodder/
    and the downloads in ~/Podcasts/. If GPODDER_DOWNLOAD_DIR is not set,
    $GPODDER_HOME/Downloads/ will be used if it is set.


    By default, gPodder writes log files to $GPODDER_HOME/Logs/ and removes
    them after a certain amount of times. To avoid this behavior, you can set
    the environment variable GPODDER_WRITE_LOGS to "no", e.g:

        export GPODDER_WRITE_LOGS=no


    Extensions are normally loaded from gPodder's "extensions/" folder (in
    share/gpodder/extensions/) and from $GPODDER_HOME/Extensions/ - you can
    override this by setting an environment variable:

        export GPODDER_EXTENSIONS="/path/to/extension1.py extension2.py"

    In addition to that, if you want to disable loading of all extensions,
    you can do this by setting the following environment variable to a non-
    empty value:


    If you want to report a bug, please try to disable all extensions and
    check if the bug still appears to see if an extension causes the bug.


    These instructions are mostly useful for the maintainer, but they are
    documented here in case you want to update translations yourself:

    To upload a changed translation template:

        make messages       # update translations from source
        make clean          # remove temporary files after "make messages"
        tx push --source    # upload po/messages.pot to transifex.net

    To download a translation that has been updated:

        tx pull -l XX -f    # download po/XX.po from transifex.net

    To generate Git commit commands for the translation updates:

        python tools/i18n/generate_commits.py

    The "tx" command is provided by the Transifex client (transifex-client
    in Debian/Ubuntu) which can be obtained from:



    - Homepage                         http://gpodder.org/
    - Bug tracker                      http://bugs.gpodder.org/
    - Mailing list                     http://freelists.org/list/gpodder
    - IRC channel                      #gpodder on irc.freenode.net

             Last updated: 2016-02-03 by Thomas Perl <thp.io/about>