
The code when I learning the design pattern, build with CMake, vckpg in Visual studio 2022.

Primary LanguageC++

Enviroment Setting

Current only config the env for the Window with Visual studio 2022 x64.

  1. Install vcpkg
git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg.git
cd vcpkg
bootstrap-vcpkg.bat # on Windows
bootstrap-vcpkg.sh  # on Linux
  1. Install Boost and lib with Vcpkg
# boost library
.\vcpkg.exe install boost:x64-windows
# boost dependency injectoion library
.\vcpkg.exe install bext-di:x64-windows
# google test
 .\vcpkg.exe install gtest:x64-windows
  1. Add the Env into your PC
  1. Update CMakeList.json Ctrl + Shift + B

  2. Build the project F7 and run