A suite of instrumentation metric primitives for Ruby that can be exposed through a HTTP interface. Intended to be used together with a Prometheus server.
Add this to your application's shard.yml
github: inkel/crystal-prometheus-client
require "prometheus/client"
# returns a default registry
prometheus = Prometheus::Client.registry
# create a new counter metric
http_requests = Prometheus::Client::Counter.new(:http_requests, "A counter of HTTP requests made")
# register the metric
# start using the counter
The following metric types are currently supported.
Counter is a metric that exposes merely a sum or tally of things.
counter = Prometheus::Client::Counter.new(:service_requests_total, "...")
# increment the counter for a given label set
counter.increment({ :service => "foo" })
# increment by a given value
counter.increment({ :service => "bar" }, 5)
# get current value for a given label set
counter.get({ :service => "bar" })
# => 5
Gauge is a metric that exposes merely an instantaneous value or some snapshot thereof.
gauge = Prometheus::Client::Gauge.new(:room_temperature_celsius, "...")
# set a value
gauge.set({ :room => "kitchen" }, 21.534)
# retrieve the current value for a given label set
gauge.get({ :room => "kitchen" })
# => 21.534
Also you can use gauge as the bi-directional counter:
gauge = Prometheus::Client::Gauge.new(:concurrent_requests_total, "...")
gauge.increment({ :service => "foo" })
# => 1.0
gauge.decrement({ :service => "foo" })
# => 0.0
A histogram samples observations (usually things like request durations or response sizes) and counts them in configurable buckets. It also provides a sum of all observed values.
histogram = Prometheus::Client::Histogram.new(:service_latency_seconds, "...")
# record a value
histogram.observe({ :service => "users" }, Benchmark.realtime { service.call(arg) })
# retrieve the current bucket values
histogram.get({ :service => "users" })
# => { 0.005 => 3, 0.01 => 15, 0.025 => 18, ..., 2.5 => 42, 5 => 42, 10 = >42 }
- Currently it only supports
- No
middleware (yet) - No
TODO: Write development instructions here
- Fork it ( https://github.com/inkel/crystal-prometheus-client/fork )
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request
- inkel Leandro López - creator, maintainer