- 0
Diagnostics Pattern to handle Parsing Errors
#59 opened by 00JCIV00 - 0
Create Commands from a Help Message
#57 opened by 00JCIV00 - 10
- 0
Completions Parsing Function
#56 opened by 00JCIV00 - 0
Improve Library Testing
#39 opened by 00JCIV00 - 2
build.zig API changes for 0.13.0-dev.211+6a65561e3
#55 opened by p7r0x7 - 1
Implement `optimize()` Function
#54 opened by 00JCIV00 - 2
Printing callbacks should return a usize that end users can flexibly configure to mean anything they want.
#50 opened by p7r0x7 - 3
- 0
Custom internal error printouts.
#49 opened by p7r0x7 - 2
Implement Initial Tab-Completion
#14 opened by 00JCIV00 - 2
Add Ability to Generate Man Pages
#19 opened by 00JCIV00 - 2
- 1
Add Option Aliases
#47 opened by 00JCIV00 - 2
Allow Options to be required during parsing
#46 opened by 00JCIV00 - 1
- 19
Value type aliases.
#32 opened by p7r0x7 - 1
Support for sub commands and options to be hidden from global help/usage (via omission).
#45 opened by p7r0x7 - 1
Allow Fields with default values to be Options
#43 opened by 00JCIV00 - 26
Further format configuration options?
#27 opened by p7r0x7 - 1
Option Termination Configuration.
#44 opened by p7r0x7 - 15
- 8
Mutually exclusive options in a mandatory set.
#28 opened by p7r0x7 - 1
Possible upgrade?
#42 opened by GobiasSomeCoffeeCo - 1
Rename Callback Functions
#40 opened by 00JCIV00 - 7
All applicable string comparisons should be probably occur via `ascii.eqlIgnoreCase()`
#37 opened by p7r0x7 - 2
Reconsider usage of `inline` within Cova.
#38 opened by p7r0x7 - 4
Found `std.mem.indexOf()` for you.
#36 opened by p7r0x7 - 3
- 1
Allow Command Aliases
#33 opened by 00JCIV00 - 8
Add a std.mem.Allocator argument to the type definition of every custom function parameter?
#30 opened by p7r0x7 - 1
What's going wrong here? std.fmt usage error
#31 opened by p7r0x7 - 7
Expanding valid boolean value types.
#29 opened by p7r0x7 - 13
Add config item to, instead of POSIX flagging, support single dash longform flags only
#24 opened by p7r0x7 - 0
- 0
Add `tokenize()` Function
#22 opened by 00JCIV00 - 0
Add `errReaction` to `cova.ParseConfig`
#21 opened by 00JCIV00 - 0
Add Option Parsing Termination
#23 opened by 00JCIV00 - 1
Create Enums from Commands
#10 opened by 00JCIV00 - 3
- 1
- 3
build.zig is unsupported by the latest Zig master
#20 opened by p7r0x7 - 1
- 1
Auto-handle Usage/Help messages during parsing
#13 opened by 00JCIV00 - 1
Revamp Config Structs
#12 opened by 00JCIV00 - 1
Revamp Value.zig Argument Type
#11 opened by 00JCIV00 - 1
v0.7.0-beta Pre-Public Release Goals
#9 opened by 00JCIV00