Wumpus World Exploration

Created a 2-wheeled agent to explore the Wumpus World on a physical grid.


Ensure you have GCC and MiniSat installed. On macOS, you can use brew to install them:

bash: brew install gcc minisat


  1. Manual Control of the Agent:
python wumpus.py
  1. Manual Control with a Knowledge Base:
python wumpus.py -k
  1. HybridWumpusAgent (HWA):
python wumpus.py -y

Example Outcome: Current Wumpus Environment

Scores: =983

  0   1   2   3   4   5    time_step=17
| # | # | # | # | # | # | 5
| # |   |   |   |   | # | 4
| # | W |   | P |   | # | 3
| # |   |   |   |   | # | 2
| # | < |   | P |   | # | 1
| # | # | # | # | # | # | 0

number_of_clauses_over_epochs: [778, 1169, 1669, 2023, 2314, 2668, 3059, 3559, 4168, 4668, 5168, 5668, 6277, 6777, 7105, 7459, 7750]
belief_loc_query_times: [0.3430659770965576, 0.7054259777069092, 0.851161003112793, 1.0713450908660889, 1.1833479404449463, 1.285254955291748, 1.4193611145019531, 1.557939052581787, 1.7730047702789307, 2.062282085418701, 2.279850959777832, 2.4706509113311768, 2.6951887607574463, 2.970817804336548, 3.1847071647644043, 3.300899028778076, 3.425663948059082]
Final Scores: <HybridWumpusAgent>=983


Wumpus World Solver Agent in Action

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Raspberry Pi Car Components

Raspberry Pi 4B
32GB Micro-sd card
PiCam 5mp
L298n Motor Driver
Car kit