
Twitch bot creating for twitch.tv/00mb1. Studying, finance, points system, pomodoros, timers ect

Primary LanguagePython

Twitch bot for twitch.tv/00mb1

Twitch bot for studying, pomodoro timers, stocks etc. Feel free to add new features!



  • !btc - Live bitcoin price
  • !price <ticker> - Live price of any stock with ticker (eg !price aapl)


  • !cancel - Cancel any timers
  • !study <minutes> - Study for a set amount of minutes, get 10 points per minute (eg !study 10)
  • !break <minutes> - Take a break for an amount of minutes, get 2 points per minute (eg !break 10)
  • !timer - Check time left for current timer
  • !grinders - List's people who are studying
  • !sleepers - List's people who are taking a break


  • !points - Check your points
  • !position - Check your position on the leaderboard
  • !leaderboard - View top ten points
  • [MOD] !adduser <name> - Add's a user to the points database (eg !adduser 00mb)
  • [MOD] !setpoints <name> <points> - Set a users points (eg !setpoints 00mb 10)
  • [MOD] !addpoints <name> <points> - Add's points to a user (eg !addpoints 00mb 10)
  • [MOD] !removepoints <name> <points> - Remove points from a user (eg !removepoints 00mb 10)
  • [STREAMER] !deleteuser <name> - Deletes a user from the database (eg !deleteuser 00mb)


  • !botme - Talk to an AI chatbot version of me (eg !botme What do you study?) [Expected output: Computer Science (:]
  • !rps <rock/paper/scissors> - Play rock, paper, scissors against the bot (eg !rps rock)