
Toy website which I host on my Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ben Pinhorns Pi Site


This is the source code for a website I host on my Raspberry Pi. No you cannot have the domain, as I don't want it to be DDoSed. It's a toy project for me to have fun with web development and my Raspberry Pi. However! I think it could be useful for other people looking to setup their own Raspberry Pi website, although there's configuration stuff on the Pi itself that I won't be covering in this ReadMe.

How it works

The site is written in Vue.js, it builds to the /dist folder, and then its uploaded with scp to the Pi over my local wifi network. Eventually there may be a way to upload some content to the site from outside the LAN, but not for now. The primary purpose of the site is to host the articles I write, so you'll see highlight.js and marked as dependancies, the articles are written in Markdown and they are loaded at runtime, so I can just stuff more articles into the /articles folder, and the website takes care of it.


For a toy project like this, I didn't feel that unit tests would help much. So far, the code is extremely simple, but stitching together an entire Vue site does come with complexity, so I've used cypress as an e2e testing system. Which I love!


Vue already comes with a development server, which I use as my first round of testing. However on the Pi I use lighttpd as my web server, and it has come different mechanics. The /dev-server folder in this repo contains a start.sh script and a .conf file for lighttpd, so I can test the site on any computer with lighttpd installed without having to deploy it to my Pi first. Obviously you need to install and setup lighttpd separately if you'd like to use this feature.

This is a Vue.js project, so here's the stuff Vue adds to the ReadMe

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint