
An easy-to-use mod loader for Ralph's Party RPG written in Python.

Primary LanguageTclMIT LicenseMIT

Ralph mod loader

An easy-to-use mod loader for Ralph's Party RPG with GUI written in Python.


Step 1: installing it

  1. Either download this repo as a .zip and extract it to any directory or run git clone https://github.com/00due/ralph-mod-loader.git (Make sure you have git installed!)

Step 2: running it

  1. Install Python
  2. (GUI) Run the ralphmodloader.py file with Python (python ralphmodloader.py to the terminal / cmd.) (CLI) Run the ralphmodloader.py file with the "--nogui" argument with Python (python ralphmodloader.py --nogui to the terminal / cmd.)

Ralphmodloader_GUI.py is deprecated, don't use it!

Pre-downloaded mods

This loader comes with two pre-downloaded mods - The Sex update demo and Ralph's Party RPG 2 concept. These aren't necessary for the loader to work.


  1. Make the mod you want to make.
  2. (Optional but recommended) Delete unnecessary files from the mod. This will make its download size way smaller. The loader can install mods of any size so it's not necessary but the players will thank you. Make sure you have a backup of the mod before you delete anything to make sure if you accidentally delete an important, game-breaking file, you don't lose any progress.
  3. Zip it. If the files are in a subfolder, make sure its name is [Ralph's party RPG] without the brackets (the capital letters matter!). If they aren't in a subfolder, you don't have to do anything.
  4. (Optional but highly recommended) Change the .zip's extension name to .ralph. For example, if it was Ralphmod.zip, change it to Ralphmod.ralph . This makes it more easily detectible for the player if they have multiple .zip files.
  5. Try installing it with this loader to make sure it works.
  6. You're done!

To do

  1. Make --nogui 100% guiless (remove file picker)


rdebende for the theme.