
Use Processing with Scala in IntelliJ

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


This project provides the tools required to get started with Processing 3.x.x, and is intended to run in IntelliJ. Generally, figuring out how to either run Processing in IntelliJ or run Processing with Scala can be a huge pain, so hopefully this project helps elucidate some things.

Getting Started

The lib folder currently contains the JARs needed to run Processing 3.5.3. If you wish to run a different version of Processing, follow each of the steps below. If you're cool with running the current version, skip right to step #4.

  1. Download Processing
  2. Delete the contents of the lib directory
  3. Copy the contents of Java/core/library to the lib directory. On OSX you can find this by extracting Processing from the zip, right clicking on the application, and Pressing Show Package Contents
  4. In IntelliJ, right click on lib and press Add as Library. When prompted for the library name, keep it as the default (IntelliJ will automagically sort out the package names for you)

You should now be able to run MyProcessingSketch by any of IntelliJ's usual means. Additionally, build.sbt is configured to run its main function upon sbt run in the terminal.