
This repertory is used to store some code that I wrote when I was learning something.

Primary LanguagePython


This repertory is used to store some code that I wrote when I was learning something.

1 Toys

2 Deep Learning

  • Captcha Recognition: A simple cnn demo.
  • TALL: Jiyang Gao, Chen Sun, Zhenheng Yang, and Ram Nevatia. 2017. TALL: Temporal Activity Localization via Language Query. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. IEEE, 5267–5275.
  • CMHN: Cross-Modal Hashing for Efficiently Retrieving Moments in Videos

3 Courses

3.1 Computer Graphics

  • exp1: Bresenham & ScanLine
  • exp2: Liang-Barsky
  • exp3: load OBJ file and add texture

3.2 Compiler

3.3 Computer Network

3.4 Machine Learning

Data and PDF can be found in https://funglee.github.io/ml/ml.html#lab.

  • exp1: Linear Regression
  • exp2: Logistic Regression and Newton's Method
  • exp3: Regularization
  • exp4: Naive Bayes
  • exp5: SVM
  • exp6: K-Means
  • exp7: PCA in Face Detection