
Chezz chess is an online multiplayer chess game built using Javascript (Node.js and Socket.io) with login and sign build using that used Chessboard.js and Chess.js for interface and logic

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

What is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of every end and the end of every race?

Chezz Chess

Chezz chess is a multiplayer 5 minutes chess game made using Socket.IO

How to run it ?


  • Mongo DB
  • Node JS

Run the application

Run Mongo db using :

$> mongod

or sudo mongod depending on your OS =)

Download the node packages and dependecies :

$> npm install

Run the server:

$> node .

By this the game should be running on http://localhost:3000

Chezz Chess Project is made out of two parts:

  • Client

    • Socket.io(Socket.IO enables real-time bidirectional event-based communication)
    • HTML5, CSS3, java script , jquery and the awesome bootstrap and font awesome to add the icons
  • Server :

    • Handlebars.js for rendering HTML templates
    • Node JS web server
    • Mongo DB as database
    • Express JS as web framework
    • Passport JS for authentication
    • Socket.io

Features of this Project :

  • Multiplayer game that consists of two players connect trough sockets using socket.io
  • Used passport.js for User authentication to signup and login
  • REST APIs /api

Functionality :

  1. A player send a request to create a game
  2. the server genrate and creates the new game send the token to the user to use it and send it to the other player
  3. other players join the game by accessing the URL (token) that was send by the user
  4. when the second player joines the game, server connects the two players sockets to the same socket.io room and the game starts once they have connected
  5. when the game ends both players are disconnected and redirected to the home or paly page

Special thanks to :

Chess.js and Chessboard.js libraries.

as well as the aweomse David Washington and hi real time chess basic setup


  • Send a GET request to




    "id": "123",
    "name": "khaled",
    "email": "khaled.dawodieh@gmail.com",
    "lastConnection": "now :p "


  • Khaled Daoudieh
  • Dima shahin