
Basic solution for DevOps project provided for `cloud-design`

Primary LanguageShell


More information about the project here


In order to be able to run this application you need to have the following programs installed on your machine:

To interact with the application, it is recommended to install the following programs, or any equivalent ones:

  • Postman, or any other tool to programmatically test API endpoints.
  • kubectl to be able to interact with the Kubernetes cluster from your machine. Check this cheat sheet to get an idea of some useful commands.
  • [optional] minikube to deploy the Kubernetes cluster on your machine instead of the VM cluster.

To run and manage the Kubernetes cluster on the VM cluster, use the provided ./orchestrator.sh script.

To run kubectl on your machine to interact with the Kubernetes cluster, you need to export KUBECONFIG=./k3s/k3s.yaml after you created the VM (e.g. after running ./orchestrator.sh create.

Local development

To run locally, start a Kubernetes cluster by running:

# Use 2 nodes to mimic the subject request to run 2 VMs 
$ minikube start --nodes=2

If willing to deploy the Kubernetes on the local cluster, you must run kubectl commands. The ./orchestrator.sh script is not going to work