
Primary LanguageJavaScript

E-Learn 💻

A simple web application for learning high demand courses from your comfort places💻
User can enroll for latest Courses and publish new courses.🚀


SignIn and SignUp Page

  • Users can create an account and sigin to application. login page

User DashBoard

  • User can view enrolled courses and latest courses App Screenshot

Course Details Page

  • Details about the course can be accessed here and also user can buy the course. App Screenshot

Course Details Page after user enrolled.

  • Details about the course can be accessed here and user can proceed to learning page. App Screenshot

Learning Page.

  • User can watch videos App Screenshot

Comments section.

  • User can give comments as feedback for course videos. App Screenshot

Course Publish Page.

  • User can upload a course. App Screenshot

    working on deploying the application (will update the live demo)

What you need to run this code

  1. Node (13.12.0)
  2. NPM (6.14.4) or Yarn (1.22.4)
  3. MongoDB (4.2.0)

How to run this code

  1. Make sure MongoDB is running on your system
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Open command line in the cloned folder,
    • To install dependencies, run npm install or yarn
    • To run the application for development, run npm run development or yarn development
  4. Open localhost:3000 in the browser
