
此项目为大学期间的文学社而开发(This project was developed for the HuPan literature during the University)

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


  • 名称解释:calligraphy:翰墨 取母校“翰墨池” 之翰墨

This project was developed for the HuPan literature during the University


  • 目前项目正在设计初期,如果需要了解,请移步 wiki

  • 本项目开发使用前后端分离,前端工程地址 :cc-admin


  • first of all, from when I was in college, had wanted to give us the idea of literature to build a website, but suffer from a student's helpless pain, many ideas have been put on hold, but for this matter, "if you have a dream, you must go to defend his" ——from "the pursuit of happyness"
  • 首先,从我上大学的时候,就有过想给我们文学社建一个自己的网站的想法,但是苦于学生时代的苦逼,很多的想法都被搁置了,但是一直为此事耿耿于怀,"如果你有一个梦想,你必须去捍卫他"——来自《当幸福来敲门》
  • coincidentally, two years after working, I was exposed to the word "open source," and I saw a lot of open source writers who were trying to contribute to open source.So I learned from them, and I made some open source ideas.A person's time and energy is limited, I can not be in the work, at the same time to realize two ideas, so I have to combine them.This is -- be a web site for the literary community and open source!
  • 巧的是,在工作两年后的今天,我接触到了“开源”这个词,我看到了很多的开源作者都在努力的为开源奉献着。于是乎,我又有了向他们学习,自己也做点开源的想法。一个人的时间精力都是有限的,我不可能在工作之余,同时又去实现两个想法,所以我得将他们结合起来。这就是————为文学社做一个网站,并且开源!


  • This two days in to design problem, because it is the first time a person alone to do a complete project, some problems also lack of consideration, must first complete design, then I will upload the document
  • 这两天在着手设计的问题,由于是第一次一个人单独做一个完整的项目,有些问题还欠缺考虑,得要先进行完整的设计,届时我会把涉及文档一并上传



为什么我要放到github?(Why should I have my code hosted on github)

  • Besides the says, the reason why I put the code on the lot, because that is my ability is not enough to a person a project independently, so I need more people to help, whether it is a design, optimization, and the realization of the code, I sincerely invite you to guide the younger brother, any good suggestion or what's in my design defect, please you know everything, can, I would appreciate.
  • 除了上文说到的以外,我之所以将代码放在github上,是因为深知目前的自己能力还不足以一个人独立完成一个项目,所以我需要更多人的帮忙,无论是设计上、优化上,还是代码的实现上,我真心的邀请各位能指导一下小弟,有什么好的建议或者我的设计有什么缺陷,恳请各位知无不言、言无不尽,我将不甚感激。

你可以通过一下方法联系我(You can contact me in a way):


Due to my limited English level, most of the English versions are translated by means of tools. If there is any inaccuracy, please understand

由于本人英语水平有限,英文版说明大多通过工具翻译,如果有不准确的,请谅解. 1