The sample exchange rates app


  • Xcode 10
  • swiftlint (optional). Details in Scripts/

Assumptions and dependencies

  • Precision and rounding are limited to the Double type. For better accuracy Decimal number must be used. This can be adjusted in the ExchangeRate.Rate

  • Supported currencies: The application can handle a subset of the ISO 4217 currencies supported by the current locale. Other currencies can be added to the CurrencyFactory. Due to the API limitations, only part of the supported currencies is displayed on the UI. This is controlled by UserPreferences.availableCurrencies

Project structure

All app source files are split into a few main parts:

  • Core - generic code that can be reused in other apps
  • App - code that specific to the app domain and used app-wide
  • Other folders - code related to the concrete part of the app