
We preserve history that matters! Vote and suggest your favourite Tweets and we keep them for eternity.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Time Travellers DAO

Netlify Status Licence Live Demo

Web3con: This project is a Filecoin & IPFS Prize Pool Bounty Winner

Problem statement

Tweets on average last for about 15 minutes. Afterwards they are gone. Forever. But how can we preserve good Tweets and how can we choose this Tweet so that everybody agrees?

Our solution

Time Travellers DAO provides a user interface that allows every person with a MetaMask account to suggest their favourite Tweet of that day. During the day the Tweets are collected and at the end of the day (UTC) a proposal is created on Snapshot. All DAO members now can vote for the Tweet that they like the most. After the voting period has ended we mint the "winner" Tweet to the person that suggested it.


Our project is fully functional and deployed here. We have chosen a fully automated approach to eliminate human errors and make the project more decentralized.

Blockchain Technology

We run on Rinkeby.

  • Snapshot: An off-chain gasless multi-governance client with easy to verify and hard to contest results
    • Snapshot.js: The official JavaScript client for build Snapshot apps. We create dynamic proposals at midnight with it
    • Webhooks: Receive event notifications with webhooks. We used it to trigger the minting of the winner Tweet after a proposal has ended
    • GraphQL API: Create flexible queries for the data you need to integrate with Snapshot. We used it to calculate the Tweet that has received to most votes
  • Gnosis Safe: Multi-signature wallet to manage the DAO's assets
  • Hardhat
  • Pinata: NFT media management. We collect all suggested NFTs here.
  • Token Contract (ERC20)
  • NFT Contract (ERC721)


We us IPFS for all our core functionality.

  1. User suggests a Tweet: When a user suggests a Tweet, we store it in Pinata and enrich it with additional Metadata. Link to Code
  2. Create Proposal with cron job: Every day at midnight UTC our cron job gets called and creates a dynamic proposal based on the Tweets that were suggested the day before. We use snapshot.js for this. Snapshot uses IPFS under the hood to store the proposals and votes. Link to Code
  3. Mint Tweet: After the proposal has ended the webhook of Snapshot calls our serverless function. We analyze the votes with the GraphQL API from Snapshot, grab the address of the person that suggested the Tweet from Pinata and mint the Tweet directly to this person. Link to Code

We interact with Pinata on some other occasions. Feel free to checkout the code.


  • React
  • ethers.js
  • MUI: React UI Library


  • responsive
  • accessible
  • SEO friendly


  • Netlify: We host the website here. Netlify automatically creates feature previews on pull requests.
    • scheduled functions: Like cron jobs
    • serverless functions
  • Node.js


  • Chai/Mocha/Waffle: Test suite for our smart contract tests


On-chain vs. off-chain governance

We decided to use off-chain governance with Snapshot. With this approach our users save gas without sacrificing decentralization, transparency and security.

Make tokens decentralized

Providing a decentralized token within one week was quiet hard. We determined it would be best to use a multisig wallet that stores most of the DAO's funds and also provides liquidity to a uniswap liquidity pool.

New technologies

We used many technologies that were completely new to us. At the core of our application is Snapshot, which all of of us have never used before. We spent a lot of time reading the docs. The documentation was incomplete and snapshot is still relatively new. This made it even harder for us. Fortunately the snapshot devs on discord were very cooperative!


How can I get the governance tokens (TTT)?

The easiest way is to buy some of our tokens on Uniswap. We created a liquidity pool using Gnosis Safe with 80% of the total governance tokens. All you need is some Rinkeby test Ether. Add this Token 0x1856055f5aCF2C9694038d238fA9293181690131 to the token list on Uniswap.

How can I become part of Time Travellers DAO?

To be part of our community you need to hold TTT, which is our own governance tokens

How can I vote on proposals?

All DAO members are allowed to vote on proposals. Your voting power is dependant on how many tokens you hold. Go to Snapshot and look for the most recent active Proposal.

What happens to the NFT that received the most votes?

The NFT will be minted to the address from which the NFT was suggested.

Why can't I vote on the proposal even though I hold TTT in my wallet?

You need to hold the tokens for at least one week. With this method the DAO can ensure the quality of the votes. (This feature is turned off for demonstration purposes)

What happens when two or more Tweet receive the same amount of votes?

The Tweet that was proposed first wins.

What is the voting period of the proposals?

The voting period on the proposal is 23h.

How much voting power do I have?

Your voting power is dependent of the amount of tokens you are holding.

Production checklist

  • Dedicated Pinata gateway
    • greater speed
    • increased rate limits
  • ENS Domain
    • Receive funds on own domain
    • Stop using test mode in snapshot