This software is a network scanner who uses the ICMP protocol to check for live hosts (also known as "ping scanning" or "ping sweep").

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

			8888888b.      8888888     .d8888b.      888b     d888     8888888b.
			888   Y88b	 888      d88P  Y88b     8888b   d8888     888   Y88b
			888    888       888      888    888     88888b.d88888     888    888
			888   d88P	 888      888            888Y88888P888     888   d88P
			8888888P"	 888      888            888 Y888P 888     8888888P"
			888	         888      888    888     888  Y8P  888     888
			888		 888      Y88b  d88P     888   "   888     888
			888	       8888888     "Y8888P"      888       888     888

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.


  • This software is a network scanner who uses the ICMP protocol (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Control_Message_Protocol) to check for live hosts (also known as "ping scanning" or "ping sweep").

  • See BENCHMARK.txt for a performance overview of the program.

  • Compiled with GCC 4.8.1 and Boost Release 1.62.0 on Windows 7 (64-bits) using the following command line :

g++ -Wall -std=c++11 -I"C:\Boost\boost_1_62_0" -L"C:\Boost\boost_1_62_0\lib" \*.cpp -o picmp -lboost_regex-mgw48-1_62 -lboost_system-mgw48-1_62 -lboost_iostreams-mgw48-1_62 -lws2_32 -lwsock32

  • Compiled with GCC 5.4.0 and Boost Release 1.52.0 on Ubuntu (32-bits) using the following command line :

g++ -Wall -std=c++11 -I"/usr/include" -L"/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu" \*.cpp -lboost_system -lboost_regex -lboost_iostreams -o picmp


You can directly download the binaries located in bin/ or you can compile the source files by yourself (located in src/). If you're running Windows, don't forget to download the dll files located in lib/windows/ and put them beside the .exe file.


Download the source files located in src/ and follow the instructions :


  • Install GCC and the Boost Library : sudo apt-get install gcc and sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
  • Navigate to the folder where the source files are located using the cd command
  • Compile using g++ -std=c++11 -I"/usr/include" -L"/usr/lib" \*.cpp -o picmp -lboost_system -lboost_regex -lboost_iostreams (NB : The include and/or lib directory may change depending if you're on 64 or 32 bits distribution. Use the following command to find where your Boost files are located find /usr/include /usr/lib/ -name boost)


  • Install MinGW (https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/) and the Boost Library (https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/)
  • Add the path to g++ executable (C:/Mingw/bin) to the PATH environnement variable (google it if you don't know who to do this)
  • Open a command prompt : [Windows Key] + r -> Type cmd and hit Enter
  • Navigate to the folder where the source files are located using the cd command
  • Compile using g++ -std=c++11 -I"$BOOST_INSTALL$" -L"$BOOST_INSTALL$\lib" \*.cpp -o picmp -lboost_regex-mgw48-1_62 -lboost_system-mgw48-1_62 -lboost_iostreams-mgw48-1_62 where $BOOST_INSTALL$ is the path to the Boost Library root folder (if this command fail, try adding -lws2_32 -lwsock32 at the end of the command)
  • Copy the libboost_regex-mgw48-1_62.dll and libboost_system-mgw48-1_62.dll located in C:$BOOST_INSTALL$\lib to your application folder or download it from lib/windows/


This program require to be run from an elevated command prompt :


    Change the file permission to executable : chmod +x picmp
    Use the sudo command when you run the program : sudo ./picmp


    Press [Windows Key] and type cmd. Next, right-click on the cmd.exe and choose run as administrator.

Then you have to navigate to the application folder (i.e where the executable is located) using the cd command.

NB : If you're running Windows, you can also download the run.bat file in bin/windows and edit it to set the path to the path of your application folder (you also have to run the run.bat as administrator).


  • [Application name] : This is the basic command-line to run the program where [Application name] is the name of the .exe application located in the folder (picmp by default). The default values (see the Default Values array below) will be used for the packet destination.

  • [Application name] ip : This command specifiy the packet's destination. ip must be in the standart IPv4 format (x.x.x.x) (IPv6 is not supported yet) and must be in range [ -]. You can use ip ranges by using the '-' character. For example, using the ip the program will scan all ip addresses from to


  • --help : Display all the options availables and what they do.

  • -data [data] or -d [data] : This option specifiy the data to add at the end of the packet (also known as "payload"). If the payload contains white-space (' '), you must put the entire data in quotes (for example -data "Hello World !").

  • -dataFile [fileName] or -df [fileName] : Same as -data (or -d) except that it reads the payload from a file. [fileName] must contains the name of the data file as well as any extension (like .txt). The maximum amount of character read by the program is 65507 characters.

  • -type [type] : This option specifiy the ICMP Type of the packet. This option can be set only with one of those values (you must enter the numerical value corresponding to the type that you want) :

Type Value
  • -code [code] : This option specifiy the ICMP Code related to the ICMP Type (see http://www.nthelp.com/icmp.html for more details). The value must be in range [0-15].

  • -id [id] : This option specifiy the ICMP Identifier. The value must be in range [0-65535].

  • -seq [seq] : This option specifiy the ICMP Sequence Number. The value must be in range [0-65535].

  • -count [count] or -c [count] : This option specify the number of packets to send to the target. The value must be in range [1-65535] or you can set it to inf to continuously send packets to the target. If you set it to inf, you can later close the program using Ctrl + C or by closing the command prompt.

  • -timeout [time] or -t [time] : This option specifiy the maximum awaiting time (in millisecond) for the target to respond . The value must be in range [1-65535].

  • -verbose or -v : Print more informations about the packets.

  • -log [fileName] : This option create a log file containing all the informations given by the verbose output. [fileName] must be less than 251 characters (cause of the .txt extension). You can set the [fileName] to default to let the program define the name of the log file which will be in format [Day] [Month] [Day in month] [Hours]_[Minutes]_[Seconds] [Year].

Example :

picmp -c 3 -t 100 -log default -d "Just pinging you :D"

This will ping all hosts from to by sending them 3 packets (who contains the message "Just pinging you :D") and waiting 100 ms for the target to respond. All the packets informations will be recorded into a log file whose file name is set by the program.


Running the program (click to enlarge the picture)


Log file created by the program (click to enlarge the picture)


Here are the default values used by the program :

Option Value
Type 8
Code 0
Identifier 1
Sequence Number 1
Count 4
Timeout 1000

NB : If a given parameter in the command-line is invalid, he will be ignored (ie. the default value will be used).


  • You can contact me at krowten11[at]gmail[dot]com if you want to share any improvements or ideas about the program.

  • Check out the github repo of the project : https://github.com/Krowten11/PICMP


  • Thanks to all the Boost Library contributors who made and keep making this library awesome !

  • Thanks to the SO Community to help me out when i was going crazy about the code :D

  • Thanks to you for checking out my work and help me in my learning. I hope you will share this program to everyone :D


  • Don't forget to check out the license terms available in the LICENSE file if you want to use this program for you own work.