1datapoint Android Application


The 1datapoint Android application was created during the Random Hacks of
Kindness (RHoK) 2012 weekend in Toronto. It was created with the idea that one
datapoint is not enough to properly diagnose mental health despite it being
exactly what doctors have been working with when a patient comes to them for a
diagnosis. We built an application that will collect high frequency data over
time that the user review and/or present to a doctor.


We've adopted the "Get in, get out" philosophy for our application. If we want
the user to keep using the application, it has to be fast, simple, and pleasant
to use. We wish to minimize the number of clicks for any task. We want the user
interface to be clean and beautiful --unlike the majority of other mental
wellness applications on the Android Play Store. We want to continue with the
same colour scheme and icon style as from the RHoK weekend. A graphics designer
will be required.

Settings Screen

We decided that there should be a setup screen where the user can select which
of the data points are relevant for them; this will determine which ones
they'll see in the future. The user should also be able to input if they are
taking medications.

This page was not developed during the RHoK weekend.


The idea is that the application will put out a regular daily status bar
notification that prompt the user to input data. The user will click on the
item in the notification drop down menu and will be brought into a data
collection screen (e.g. the graph input view) where they can quickly input some

There should also be a notification that will ask the user when they took their
medication (if applicable).

Home Screen

Journal         Review

Medication      Graph

The home screen consists of 4 button icons as shown above. All pages should have a "Save and Home" as well as a "Save and Quit" button to make the outcome obvious to the potentially anxious user.


A place where the user can jot down their "hot thought" about how they are
feeling. It should also have a place to review previous logs.

The Journal review page was not developed during the RHoK weekend.


Where we'll show a time based graph of the data points we've collected from the
user. Design of this page is TBD. This is where the user can see the variance
in their mental health over time and reflect on the causes.

This page was not developed during the RHoK weekend.


Will show a time picker for when meds were took.


Shows a graph where two input variables can be taken in with a single quick

- Hook up questions XML data structure to the Graph views (currently X:anxiety
  Y:irritability is hard coded)
- Set notification schedule (daily + random)
- Make it so clicking on notification goes right into a graph view instead of
  going to home page
- Store Journal entries
- Create Journal review page (within Journal section)
- Create Review page (linked from Home)
- Store medication time data point
- Store Graph data points
- Persist all data points to a DB (SQLite, etc)
- Create settings screen for user (needs wrench icon in bottom right of Home
    - Should have medication details section
    - Should be able to choose which of the app provided data points (e.g.
    anxiety, irritability, etc) should not be tracked.