React Dev Assignment - Search App

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Other React & Node Projects

  1. UniChat App College Chat Platform

  2. LinkInBlink Anonumous Chat Platform


  1. Search Tab with Trend Suggestions: Clicking on the search tab reveals the latest trend suggestions for a user-friendly experience.

  2. Faker API Integration: Utilizes the Faker API to populate and display data in the app.

  3. Dynamic Filtering: The app dynamically updates data based on applied filters, enhancing the search functionality.

  4. Wishlist Interaction: Clicking on the wishlist icon changes the color to red, providing visual feedback for wishlist items.

  5. Product View Interaction: Hovering over a product displays a visible view product button for enhanced user interaction.

  6. Notification System: Incorporates a notification system for each action, providing feedback to users.

How to Run

  1. Clone Repository:

    git clone
  2. Move to the Dir zevi-assignment

    cd zevi-assignment
  3. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  4. Run Application:

    npm run dev
  5. Open Browser:


Technologies Used

Project Structure

  • The project follows a component-based architecture with clean and organized code. Reusable components and modular styling contribute to a maintainable codebase.
